
58 Ergebnisse


Buch(elektronisch)#120162 Versionen verfügbar

Elections and governance in Nigeria's Fourth Republic

In: Codesria book series

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Elections and governance in Nigeria's Fourth Republic

In: Codesria book series

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Political and social thought in Africa

In: Codesria book series

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Buch(elektronisch)#420143 Versionen verfügbar

Trade and industrial development in Africa: rethinking strategy and policy



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Trade and industrial development in Africa: rethinking strategy and policy

In: Codesria book series

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Children and youth in the labour process in Africa

In: Codesria book series

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Civil society and the search for development alternatives in Cameroon

In: CODESRIA book series

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Les identités régionales et la dialectique sud-sud en question

In: Série de livres du Codesria

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Intégration régionale, démocratie et panafricanisme: paradigmes anciens, nouveaux défis

In: Série de livres du Codesria

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World Affairs Online

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Buch(elektronisch)#1520162 Versionen verfügbar

The ink of the scholars: reflections on philosophy in Africa

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