
40 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12008

El papel de la epidemiología en la definición de políticas: hacia la salud pública que se necesita. Informe SESPAS 2008 ; The role of epidemiology in policy definition: toward the public health required


Open Access#22009

Salud pública global: un desafío a los límites de la salud internacional a propósito de la epidemia de influenza humana A ; Global public health: international health is tested to its limits by the human influenza A epidemic


Open Access#32007

Derechos humanos, una oportunidad para las políticas públicas en salud ; Human rights, an opportunity for public policies in health


Open Access#42005

Democratisation and health after the fall of the Wall


Open Access#52016

Towards parity democracy


Open Access#62004

El Acuerdo General sobre el Comercio de Servicios y sus implicaciones para la salud pública ; General Agreement on Trade in Services and its implications for public health


Open Access#72004

Análisis temporal de la mortalidad por violencia del compañero íntimo en España ; Temporal analysis of mortality due to intimate partner violence in Spain



Open Access#92018

Scientific Evidence on Functional Food and Its Commercial Communication: A Review of Legislation in Europe and the USA


Open Access#102007

Distribución temporal de las denuncias y muertes por violencia de género en España en el período 1998-2006 ; Temporary distribution of reports and murders because of partner violence during the period 1998-2006, Spain


Open Access#112004

Tamaño del Estado (gasto público) y salud en el mundo, 1990-2000 ; Size of the State (public expenditure) and health in a sample of countries worldwide, 1990-2000


Open Access#122008

How political epidemiology research can address why the millennium development goals have not been achieved: developing a research agenda


Open Access#132006

Efecto del ajuste estructural sobre la situación de salud en América Latina y el Caribe, 1980–2000 ; The effect of structural adjustment on health conditions in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1980–2000


Open Access#142005

La opacidad de los acuerdos generales de bienes y servicios en España ; Opacity of general agreements on goods and services in Spain


Open Access#152004

Effect of democracy on health: ecological study