The first book-length, systematic exploration of the links between occupational, organizational, and public health, this volume focuses on the varying psychosocial determinants of health, and considers the likely future trajectory of research on the topic.
Die folgenden Links führen aus den jeweiligen lokalen Bibliotheken zum Volltext:
pt. I. Concepts of organizational health -- pt. II. Organizational concepts guiding theory-driven interventions -- pt. III. Concepts of organizational health interventions and change -- pt. IV. Intervention and change concepts guiding theory-driven interventions
New and current approaches to organizational health intervention research are the main focus of this comprehensive volume. Each chapter elaborates on the respective intervention researcher's concept of a healthy organization, his/her approach to changing organizations, and how to research these interventions in organizations. As a common ground, the book consistently relates to the notion of salutogenesis, focusing on resources and positive outcomes of health-oriented organizational change processes.
Das Kohärenzgefühl wurde ursprünglich als globale, unspezifische Lebensorientierung eingeführt, die zwischen Gesundheitsressourcen und Stressbewältigung vermittelt. Die drei Dimensionen Verstehbarkeit, Handhabbarkeit und Sinnhaftigkeit werden hier auf die Ebene der Arbeit und Organisation übertragen, um mit dem arbeitsbezogenen Kohärenzgefühl (Work-SoC) einen breit einsetzbaren Indikator gesundheitsrelevanter Arbeitsbedingungen zu bilden. Es wird eine 9-Item-Skala zur Erfassung des Work-SoC vorgestellt, die in acht Organisationen (n = 1084 Mitarbeitende) eingesetzt wurde. Die interne Konsistenz der Work-SoC-Gesamtskala lag bei α = .83. Die drei SoC-Dimensionen konnten abgebildet werden, wobei die Subskalen ein α = zwischen .72 und .84 aufwiesen. Es wurden die erwarteten quer- und längsschnittlichen Zusammenhänge mit spezifischen arbeitsbezogenen Belastungen und Ressourcen, sowie negativen und positiven Gesundheitsoutcomes gefunden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Work-SoC ein nützlicher Indikator für die gesundheitsrelevante Arbeitsumgebung eines Individuums ist.
In: European journal of work and organizational psychology: the official journal of The European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Band 25, Heft 3, S. 353-362
AbstractCrafting research has often focused solely on the work domain or examined work and non‐work life domains separately, using a variable‐centered approach. Little is known about the interactions of crafting processes in the work and non‐work domain. In this time‐lagged study, we examined (1) the relationship between job and off‐job crafting behaviours using a person‐centered approach to identify crafting profiles, (2) whether job, home and personal resources differentially predicted these profiles and (3) whether these profiles differed in relation to outcomes, that is work engagement and mental well‐being. We conducted a three‐wave, time‐lagged survey with 3‐month intervals among 2125 employees. The results revealed three profiles of active (18.0%), average (48.2%) and least active (33.9%) crafters. Analyses of predictors showed that active crafters had higher levels of home developmental possibilities and self‐efficacy than average and least active crafters, likewise for average crafters compared with least active crafters. Furthermore, active crafters had higher levels of social support at home than least active crafters. Regarding well‐being outcomes, active crafters experienced significantly higher mental well‐being than average and least active crafters and higher work engagement than least active crafters. Interventions to enhance employee's resources could stimulate crafting behaviours, ultimately improving well‐being.