
13 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12021

The PICASSO map-making code: application to a simulation of the QUIJOTE northern sky survey


Open Access#22021

28–40 GHz variability and polarimetry of bright compact sources in the QUIJOTE cosmological fields


Open Access#32017

QUIJOTE scientific results - II. Polarisation measurements of the microwave emission in the Galactic molecular complexes W43 and W47 and supernova remnant W44


Open Access#42019

QUIJOTE scientific results - III. Microwave spectrum of intensity and polarization in the Taurus Molecular Cloud complex and L1527


Open Access#52015

Planck intermediate results. XXVI. Optical identification and redshifts of Planck clusters with the RTT150 telescope


Open Access#62020

ESPRESSO highlights the binary nature of the ultra-metal-poor giant HE 0107-5240


Open Access#72021

Detection of spectral variations of anomalous microwave emission with QUIJOTE and C-BASS


Open Access#82020

Characterization of the K2-38 planetary system: Unraveling one of the densest planets known to date


Open Access#92020

Revisiting Proxima with ESPRESSO


Open Access#102018

280 one-opposition near-earth asteroids recovered by the EURONEAR with the Isaac Newton telescope


Open Access#112020

A precise architecture characterization of the π Mensae planetary system


Open Access#122015

First EURONEAR NEA discoveries from La Palma using the INT


Open Access#132017

Planck intermediate results ; L. Evidence of spatial variation of the polarized thermal dust spectral energy distribution and implications for CMB B-mode analysis

Aghanim, N; Ashdown, M; Aumont, J; Baccigalupi, C; Ballardini, M; Banday, A. J; Barreiro, R. Belén; Bartolo, Nicola; Basak, S; Benabed, K; Bernard, J. P; Rossetti, M; Mitra, S; Miville-Deschênes, M. A; Molinari, D; Moneti, A; Montier, L; Bersanelli, M; Morgante, G; Moss, A; Naselsky, P; Elsner, F; Nørgaard-Nielsen, H. U; Roudier, G; Oxborrow, C. A; Pagano, L; Paoletti, D; Partridge, B; Patrizii, L; Perdereau, O; Bielewicz, P; Perotto, L; Borrill, J; Pettorino, V; Piacentini, F; Rubiño-Martín, J. A; Plaszczynski, S; Polenta, G; Puget, J.-L; Rachen, J. P; Reinecke, M; Remazeilles, M; Renzi, A; Bouchet, F. R; Ruiz-Granados, Beatriz; Salvati, L; Sandri, M; Savelainen, M; Scott, D; Dusini, S; Sirignano, C; Bonavera, Laura; Sirri, G; Stanco, L; Boulanger, F; Suur-Uski, A.-S; Tauber, J. A; Tenti, M; Toffolatti, L; Tomasi, M; Tristram, M; Efstathiou, G; Trombetti, T; Valiviita, J; Bond, J. R; Bracco, Andrea; Vansyngel, F; Tent, F. van; Vielva, P; Wandelt, B. D; Wehus, I. K; Zacchei, A; Zonca, A; Burigana, C; Calabrese, E; Cardoso, J. F; Chiang, H. C; Colombo, L.P.L; Melchiorri, A; Combet, C; Enßlin, T. A; Comis, B; Crill, B. P; Curto, Andrés; Cuttaia, F; Davis, R. J; Bernardis, P. de; Rosa, A. de; Zotti, G. de; Jones, W. C; Delabrouille, J; Delouis, J. M; Eriksen, H. K; Valentino, E. di; Dickinson, C; Diego, José María; Doré, O; Douspis, M; Ducout, A; Dupac, X; Keihänen, E; Falgarone, E; Fantaye, Y; Finelli, F; Frailis, M; Fraisse, A. A; Mauri, N; Franceschi, E; Frolov, A; Galeotta, S; Galli, S; Keskitalo, R; Ganga, K; Génova-Santos, R; Gerbino, M; Ghosh, T; Giard, M; González-Nuevo, J; McEwen, J. D; Górski, K. M; Gregorio, A; Gruppuso, A; Kisner, T. S; Gudmundsson, J. E; Hansen, F. K; Helou, G; Herranz, D; Hivon, E; Huang, Z; Jaffe, A. H; Krachmalnicof, N; Kunz, M; Kurki-Suonio, H; Lagache, Guilaine; Lähteenmäki, Anne; Bonaldi, A; Lamarre, J.-M; Mennella, A; Lasenby, A; Lattanzi, M; Lawrence, C. R; Jeune, M. le; Levrier, F; Liguori, Michele; Lilje, P. B; López-Caniego, M; Rocha, G; Lubin, P. M; Macías-Pérez, J. F; Migliaccio, M; Maggio, G; Maino, D; Mandolesi, N; Mangilli, A; Maris, M; Martínez-González, Enrique; Matarrese, S