Chapter 1: Introduction: The Role of International Trade Fairs in the Global Political Economy -- Chapter 2: International Trade Fairs as Mediators of Institutional Change -- Chapter 3: The Study of Comparative Capitalisms and the Problem of Institutional Change -- Chapter 4: Trade Fairs as "Organized Anarchies" and the Garbage Can Model of Organizational Choice -- Chapter 5: The Nature of Firms' Search Processes at International Trade Fairs: A Qualitative Analysis -- Chapter 5: The Nature of Firms' Search Processes at International Trade Fairs: A Qualitative Analysis -- Chapter 6: Identifying National Patterns of Firm Behaviour at International Trade Fairs: A Quantitative Analysis -- Chapter 7: Conclusion: Ongoing Specialization or Convergence of Capitalist Varieties?. .
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Background: There is a need to rethink evaluator competencies given the harsh and paralyzing realities of COVID. The pandemic was a time where there was a need to balance diverse perspectives given the limited scientific evidence that existed when faced with a genuinely unprecedented time. In the Fall of 2021 (September to October), the Evaluation Centre for Complex Health Interventions in partnership with the Asia Pacific Evaluation Association organized a three-part webinar series in response to the multiple issues that surfaced during COVID-19, and specifically, the implications of the pandemic for rethinking evaluator competencies and evaluator training. The presenters were from multiple countries including India, Canada, USA, UK, and South Africa.
Purpose: The presenters pushed for more responsive evaluation approaches to address inequities and sustainability and for a decolonized approach to knowledge building. The webinar raised a number of themes that have potential implications for future discussions on evaluator competencies including: enhancing evaluation contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the need to rethink evaluation criteria, the need to embrace and address varieties of uncertainties, focus on diversity and heterogeneity; understanding the role of contexts in complex programs and policies; the need to reconceptualize sustainability; being more explicit about inequities and vulnerabilities; and the need to pay attention to systems and system dynamics.
Setting: The webinars were organized by the Evaluation Centre and the Asia Pacific Evaluation Association on a Zoom platform.
Intervention: Not applicable.
Research Design: Not applicable.
Data Collection and Analysis: Not applicable.
Findings: Not applicable.