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1206 Ergebnisse
[6], 10 p. ; Preface signed: H.P. ; Poem. ; Reproduction of original in Huntington Library.
[2], 13, [1] p. ; Wing attributes work to H. P. ; Thomason copy imperfect: staining on title page with loss of text. ; Reproduction of the original in the British Library.
This book, first published in 1929, examines the history of Haiti and its long struggle for independence. The revolution against the French is treated in some detail, as is the story of the free Haitian republic that followed. Building a new country from slavery was no easy task, and another revolutionary period followed in the early twentieth century, which is also analysed alongside its aftermath.
Democratic countries, such as Australia, face the dilemma of preserving public and national security without sacrificing fundamental freedoms. In the context where the rule of law is an underlying assumption of the constitutional framework, Emergency Powers in Australia provides a succinct analysis of the sorts of emergency which have been experienced in Australia and an evaluation of the legal weapons available to the authorities to cope with these emergencies. It analyses the scope of the defence power to determine the constitutionality of federal legislation to deal with wartime crises and the 'war' on terrorism, the extent of the executive power and its relationship to the prerogative, the deployment of the defence forces in aid of the civil power, the statutory frameworks regulating the responses to civil unrest, and natural disasters. The role of the courts when faced with challenges to the invocation of emergency powers is explained and analysed.
In: Routledge library editions. Marxism, Volume 7
In: Routledge library editions. Marxism, volume 7
Discusses material in the exhaustive edition of the works of Marx and Engels, the Historisch-kritische Gesamtausgabe, 1927-1932.
In: Value inquiry book series 224
This book presents a major new value theory, value as creative actualization. The book takes a radically new approach to values. All potential values, whether artistic, scientific, political, or economic must be creatively actualized in the world. The theory argues for an active view in which value involves creation of novelties and thereby changes the world in some respect. Thus value is neither transcendent nor subjective, as a good of some sort has emerged in the world. Moreover, creative actualization means we can actualize standards, ideals, kinds and other norms. Creative actualization t
In this second volume of his history of naval power in the 20th century, H. P. Willmott follows the fortunes of the established seafaring nations of Europe along with two upstarts-the United States and Japan. Emerging from World War I in command of the seas, Great Britain saw its supremacy weakened through neglect and in the face of more committed rivals. Britain's grand Coronation Review of 1937 marked the apotheosis of a sea power slipping into decline. Meanwhile, Britain's rivals and soon-to-be enemies were embarking on significant naval building programs that would soon change the nature o
In: Le Monde Diplomatique
In: Los otros militares 6