
5 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12021

Sounding the Turn to the West: Music and Diplomacy of Yugoslavia After the Split With the USSR and the Countries of the "People's Democracy" (1949–1952)


Open Access#22019

Opera Productions of the Belgrade National Theatre at the Beginning of the 20th Century Between Political Rivalry and Contested Cultural Strategies ; Operne produkcije v beograjskem Narodnem gledališču na začetku 20. stoletja med političnim rivalstvom in spornimi kulturnimi strategijami


Open Access#32018

Contextualization of early modernism in Serbian music: Case studies of two works from 1912 ; Kontekstualizacija ranog modernizma u srpskoj muzici na primeru dva ostvarenja iz 1912. godine


Open Access#42018

Balkans as a cultural symbol in the Serbian music of the first half of the twentieth century ; Balkan kao simbol kulture u srpskoj muzici prve polovine XX veka


Open Access#52018

The attitude of the state sphere towards singing associations in Serbia and Kingdom of Yugoslavia ; Odnos sfere države prema pevačkim udruženjima u Srbiji i Kraljevini Jugoslaviji