3 Ergebnisse
Konsepsi Pidana Hudud dalam Qanun Jinayat Aceh-Indonesia dan Brunei Darussalam
ABSTRAK: Sekalipun berakar pada budaya Melayu Islam-Sunni Syafi'iyah namun hudud yang dirumuskan dalam Qanun Aceh dan Brunei terindikasi berbeda, padahal secara konseptual dikenal sebagai perkara qath'i, sehingga menarik untuk mengetahui bagaimana sesungguh-nya konsepsi, implikasi, serta hal-hal yang memengaruhi konsepsinya. Hasil penelitian yuridis-normatif ini menunjukkan: meski memperlihatkan "benang merah" dengan fikih klasik namun secara keseluruhan QJA membentuk konsepsi hudud yang lebih moderat dan khas Aceh-Indonesia sehingga berbeda dibandingkan KHJB yang secara murni mere-presentasikan Syafi'iyah; perbedaan konsepsi berimplikasi pada bercampurnya pidana hudud dan ta'zir dalam konteks pemberatan pidana hudud dalam QJA; dan perbedaan konsepsi dipengaruhi oleh paradigma legislasi hukum Islam. Disarankan pidana hudud dalam QJA disusun lebih komprehensif-sistematis sesuai klasifikasinya; untuk menghindari bercampurnya hudud dan ta'zir dalam formulasi ketentuan pidana, Aceh perlu melihat perbandingan "dua stelsel ketentuan pidana" dalam KHJB; dan sebagai the living law wajar sekiranya mazhab Syafi'i diprioritaskan, tetapi mesti tetap mengedepankan relevansi, tanpa mengekang kreatifitas pemikiran. Hudud Conception in Islamic Criminal Canon of Aceh-Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam ABSTRACT: Although derive from Malay Islam-Sunni Shafeites, the hudud in Islamic Criminal Canon of Aceh and Brunei is indicated to be worded differently, whereas conceptually is known as a "definitive matter", so it's interesting to find out how the actual conception is, its implications, as well as things impacting. This normative legal research shows: although showing "red thread" with classical fiqh thought but overall it seems to be more moderate and suit generic of Aceh-Indonesia, so substantively different from KHJB that is purely represent Shafeite thought; the conception has implication on the mixing of hudud and ta'zir in the hudud criminal weighting context of QJA; and the both conceptions is interfered by the existence of paradigm of Islamic law legislation. It is recommended that the substance of QJA is arranged comprehensively and systematically based on its classification; to avoid the mixing of hudud and ta'zir in the crimes wording of hudud, the QJA could find the comparison of a "two-criminal law formulation" in KHJB; and as the living law it is alright that the fiqh of Shafi'i is prevailed in Islamic law process but by persist to prioritize the relevant aspect and without limiting the thought creativity.
Syariat Islam dan Budaya Hukum Masyarakat di Aceh
This paper discusses the influence of the implementation of Islamic law on the legal culture of society in Aceh. This question arises because in the last few years after the enactment of the Qanun Hukum Jinayat (QHJ) in 2015 the number of cases of sharia violations in several districts /cities in Aceh shows a fluctuating trend and tends to increase. The implementation of QHJ, with the increasing number of lashes, should be able to reduce the occurrence of violations. Why hasn't QHJ been able to reduce the number of violations? This study uses a political science approach to law with data collection techniques through observation, interviews with open-ended questionare and review of documentation. The results showed that the QHJ was not optimal in creating the legal culture of the Acehnese people. This is because (1) the legal politics of the Aceh Government are not serious in implementing QHJ, (2) there are still many Acehnese people who do not fully understand the contents of the QHJ. It can be concluded that in general the QHJ has not been maximally implemented by the Government of Aceh, especially Aceh Tamiang District and Sabang City due to several constraints including budget, human resource management and policy dissemination. This paper has implications for the change in the orientation of the Aceh Government's political and legal policies to be more comprehensive in implementing Islamic law in the future.Tulisan ini mendiskusikan pengaruh pelaksanaan syariat Islam terhadap budaya hukum masyarakat di Aceh. Pertanyaan ini muncul karena dalam beberapa tahun terakhir setelah diberlakukannya Qanun Hukum Jinayat (QHJ) tahun 2015 angka kasus-kasus pelanggaran syariat di beberapa Kabupaten/Kota di Aceh menunjukkan tren yang fluktuatif dan cenderung meningkat. Pemberlakuan QHJ, dengan semakin bertambahnya jumlah cambuk, seharusnya mampu menekan terjadinya pelanggaran. Mengapa QHJ belum mampu menekan angka pelanggaran tersebut? Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan ilmu politik hukum dengan teknik pengumpulan data ...