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World Affairs Online

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World Affairs Online

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Open Access#82022

On the politics of inclusion and exclusion in classical Greek sport (479 - 323 BC)

In: Nielsen , T H 2022 , ' On the politics of inclusion and exclusion in classical Greek sport (479 - 323 BC) ' , Rosetta - Papers of the Department of Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology at the University of Birmingham , vol. 27 , pp. 71 - 100 .


Open Access#92018

Bilateral Relations on the Mend:Transforming the Mosaic of Opportunities into Policies of Stability and Reconciliation between Afghanistan & Pakistan

In: Vestenskov , D (red.) , Hasan , R (red.) & Nielsen , T G 2018 , Bilateral Relations on the Mend : Transforming the Mosaic of Opportunities into Policies of Stability and Reconciliation between Afghanistan & Pakistan . Royal Danish Defence College , København .


Open Access#102015

What can Iran gain by having a nuclear weapons program that threatens to destabilize security in the Middle East?

In: Nielsen , T G 2015 ' What can Iran gain by having a nuclear weapons program that threatens to destabilize security in the Middle East? ' Forsvarsakademiets Forlag , Copenhagen .


Open Access#112015

Theatrical Complicity as a Medium of Emancipation


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Open Access#142016

Mobilitetskulturer i Europa: En undersøgelse baseret på clusteranalyse af 28 europæiske lande


Open Access#152016

European mobility cultures:A survey-based cluster analysis across 28 European countries

In: Haustein , S & Nielsen , T A S 2016 , ' European mobility cultures : A survey-based cluster analysis across 28 European countries ' , Journal of Transport Geography , vol. 54 , pp. 173-180 .