The Covid 19 pandemic case is sweeping the world, including one of them affected by the virus outbreak, the State of Indonesia. In dealing with this virus outbreak, each country takes different strategies. The Indonesian State pursues a large-scale social restriction policy. This study aims to explain the Covid 19 policy polemic and the efforts to handle it. The research method uses a normative juridical approach because it examines government policies in handling Covid cases, namely Law No.6 of 2018 and Government Regulation No.21 of 2020. Efforts to handle them, the government needs action that is fast and effective in dealing with the rate of spread of the Corona virus.
Abstract : The village development carried out in the village cannot be separated from the village autonomy authority that it has. The purpose of village development is directed at improving the welfare of the village community, supported by more and more village affairs now as stipulated in Act Number 6 of 2014. Village development cannot be carried out by one party alone, without involving other parties, therefore it must be coordinated with other parties both with the government and the community. In community empowerment it means that there is a process that builds the community through developing community capacity, changing human behavior and even reaching the level of community organizers. Village development in the context of village autonomy based on community empowerment does not always lead to the form of programs that are physical in nature. Through this writing, village development is more directed at the form of community empowerment programs.Keywords : village development, village autonomy, community empowerment Abstrak : Pembangunan desa yang dilaksanakan di desa tidak terlepas dari kewenangan otonomi desa yang dimilikinya. Tujuan pembangunan desa diarahkan untuk peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat desanya, didukung pula urusan desa sekarang ini semakin banyak sebagaimana diatur dalam UU Nomor.6 Tahun 2014. Pembangunan desa tidak mungkin bisa dilaksanakan oleh satu pihak saja, tanpa melibatkan pihak lainnya, oleh karena itu harus melalui koordinasi dengan pihak lain baik dengan pemerintah maupun masyarakat. Dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat berarti ada suatu prosesyang membangunmasyarakatmelaluipengembangankemampuan masyarakat, perubahan perilaku manusia dan bahkan bisa sampai pada tingkatan pengorganisasi masyarakat. Pembangunan desa dalam konteks otonomi desa yang berbasis pada pemberdayaan masyarakat ini tidak selalu mengarah pada bentuk program pembangunan yang sifatnya fisik. Melalui tulisan ini pembangunan desa lebih diarahkan pada bentuk program-program pemberdayaan masyarakat.Kata Kunci : pembangunan desa, otonomi desa, pemberdayaan masyarakat
The purpose of the Indonesian state is contained in the Constitution of 1945 paragraph IV. Achieving the goals together should be designed, formulated and agreed with all the elements of the nation in the teacher called legal politics. The establishment of legal instruments is the final activity of public policy which includes the legislation process. Applied ethics which is a branch of philosophy that discusses about human behavior, in this paper is human in the state. The purpose of this page is to know the relationship between law and how and how to find law and ethics in the Political Law in Indonesia. The legal political formulation was 15 years after independence through the TAP MPRS. 2 of 1960 on the outline of the National Development Plan of the Universe Planning was then changed to State Policy Guidelines (GBHN) which renewed for 5 (five) years. Meanwhile, the relationship between ethics and law can be seen from 3 (three) dimensions, namely the dimension of substance and container, the dimension of relationship breadth shows and the human dimension to realize or violate it.Keywords: Law and Ethics, Political Law, Pancasila
The individual candidate will become the new competitor for the political party in the depths of the local head election after the Constitution Court enact the judicial review against the Act 32 year 2004 about the Government of the Area. The Constitution court considered that the Act 32 year 2004 that only give space and the opportunity to the political party and the combination of the political party evidently is considered contradictory to the 1945 Constitution. The Act 32 year 2004 consider to close the constitutional right the individual candidate without going through the political party in the local head election. The Constitution court then say so that the individual candidate without going through the political party or the combination of the political party is enabled to go along in the local head election. The keyword : The individual candidate, Constitution Court
Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan wawasan bagi generasi muda mengenai kesehatan mental, khususnya pada saat pandemi, indikasi adanya masalah kesehatan mental, dan strategi untuk mengatasi masalah kesehatan mental yang dirasakan secara mandiri, serta pentingnya berkonsultasi pada ahlinya jika dirasakan sulit untuk mengatasi masalah yang dialami. Topik kesehatan mental dirasa penting untuk diangkat mengingat generasi muda merupakan aset masa depan bangsa dan rawan untuk terkena masalah kesehatan mental. Pada masa pandemi, kesehatan fisik merupakan fokus perhatian utama dari pemerintah, dan cenderung mengabaikan aspek kesehatan mental. Metode pelaksanaan menggunakan webinar secara online mengingat pada saat pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian bertepatan dengan diberlakukannya peraturan ppkm dari pemerintah. Hasil dari kegiatan ini berupa bertambahnya wawasan seputar kesehatan mental yang terlihat dari respon chat pada screen zoom, dan juga terlihat dari kuisioner yang diberikan pada peserta. Selain itu peserta merasa terbantu dengan adanya solusi yang diberikan oleh para pembicara terkait dengan permasalahan yang dihadapi peserta, terlihat dari konsultasi yang dilakukan para peserta pada sesi sharing konsultasi yang disediakan pada kegiatan ini. Kata kunci— Pengabdian masyarakat, Pengetahuan kesehatan mental, Pandemi Covid-19, Generasi muda Abstract The community service activity aims to provide insight for the young generation about mental health, especially during a pandemic, the indications of mental health problems, and the strategies for dealing with the matters experienced independently, as well as the importance of consulting with experts if it is felt unable to handle their owned issues. The topic of mental health is considered important to raise as the younger generation is the nation's future asset and is prone to mental health problems. During a pandemic, physical health is the focus of government attention, and tends to ignore mental health aspects. The implementation method uses ...
Abstract: This study aimed to find the significance of the actor on the change of puskesmas into BLUD in the perspective of institutional theory and accounting role. This research used a qualitative method with phenomenological approach and interpretive paradigm. The data collection was obtained through interview and documentation. The data analysis started from data collection, reduction, presentation, and conclusion or verification. The results of this study showed that the significance of actors in the transformation of puskesmas into BLUD in the perspective of Institutional Theory of Coercive Isomorphism dimention caused by the dominance of Regulation and 100 Working Days Program of Malang Regency Government. Besides, in terms of Mimetic Isomorphism, there was a private model. Then, in Normative Isomorphism dimention, there were professional actors outside the organization in adopting a certain concept related to PPK–BLUD. Meanwhile, if it was examined from the accounting role particularly Management Accounting, it intended to explore the Five Annual Business Strategies and Budget Plans (RBA). In addition to this point, from the perspective of Accounting Information System (SIA), it identified the internal control of medical supplies. Furthermore, in the aspect of Financial Accounting, it merely undertook SIMDA without understanding SAP and Accrual Accounting.Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan signifikansi aktor atas perubahan Puskesmas menjadi BLUD dalam perspektif Teori Institusional dan peran akuntansi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi dan paradigma interpretif. Tahapan analisis data dimulai dari pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan dokumentasi, reduksi data, presentasi, dan penyimpulan atau verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa signifikansi aktor pada perubahan Puskesmas menjadi BLUD dari dimensi Coercive Isomorphism dalam perspektif Teori Institusional disebabkan oleh dominasi dari Regulasi dan Program 100 Hari Kerja ...