
9 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12016

A molecular method to discriminate between mass-reared sterile and wild tsetse flies during eradication programmes that have a sterile insect technique component

In: Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases 2 (10), 11 p. (2016)


Open Access#22016

A molecular method to discriminate between mass-reared sterile and wild tsetse flies during eradication programmes that have a sterile insect technique component


Open Access#32016

A molecular method to discriminate between mass-reared sterile and wild tsetse flies during eradication programmes that have a sterile insect technique component


Open Access#42016

A molecular method to discriminate between mass-reared sterile and wild tsetse flies during eradication programmes that have a sterile insect technique component


Open Access#52016

A molecular method to discriminate between mass-reared sterile and wild tsetse flies during eradication programmes that have a sterile insect technique component


Open Access#62016

A molecular method to discriminate between mass-reared sterile and wild tsetse flies during eradication programmes that have a sterile insect technique component


Open Access#72010

Population genetics as a tool to select tsetse control strategies: Suppression or Eradication of Glossina palpalis gambiensis in the Niayes of Senegal


Open Access#82010

Population genetics as a tool to select tsetse control strategies: suppression or eradication of Glossina palpalis gambiensis in the Niayes of Senegal


Open Access#92018

Vectopole Sud, a French Network of platforms for research in medical, veterinary and agricultural entomology