Stanje slovenskega podjetništva in izzivi izobraževanja za podjetnost: slovenski podjetniški observatorij 2013
In: Slovenski podjetniški observatorij
10 Ergebnisse
In: Slovenski podjetniški observatorij
In: Systems research and behavioral science: the official journal of the International Federation for Systems Research, Band 14, Heft 3, S. 183-194
ISSN: 1099-1743
In: Society and economy: journal of the Corvinus University of Budapest, Band 32, Heft 2, S. 297-313
ISSN: 1588-970X
In: Eastern European economics: EEE, Band 47, Heft 6, S. 22-42
ISSN: 1557-9298
In: Systems research, Band 8, Heft 3, S. 43-50
AbstractAshby[1] said that the fight against (too much) diversity is possible only by developing diversity. This is expressed also in the title of this conference and paper. Both need a methodological support. A phenomenological systems theory does not provide it. We have been developing an alternative paradigm on the basis of the "Dialectical System " notion. Fifteen years of development on this basis are briefed in the paper.
In: Sustainable Development Goals Series
Intro -- Foreword -- Acknowledgements -- Executive Summary -- Well-Being, UN SDGs and Global Entrepreneurship Monitor -- Global Composite Indices: Competition or Potential Collaboration? -- Measurement and Monitoring: The UN SDGs and the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor -- GEM Lenses on 2030 UN SDGs -- Looking to the Future: Sustainable Development Goals 2050 -- Contents -- Notes on Contributors -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- 1: Introduction -- References -- 2: Well-Being, UN Sustainable Development Goals and Global Entrepreneurship Monitor -- 2.1 Well-Being as a Global Bottom-Line Target -- 2.2 Global Millennium Goals and Their Transformation into Sustainable Development Goals 2030 -- 2.3 Looking to the Future: Sustainable Development Goals 2050 -- 2.4 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Research -- 2.5 Measurement and Monitoring: The UN SDGs and the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor -- References -- 3: Composite Indices and Their Potential Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Composite Indices -- 3.2.1 Arguments For and Against Composite Indices -- 3.2.2 Constructing Composite Indices -- 3.2.3 Literature Review of Composite Indices -- 3.2.4 Goals of Composite Indices -- 3.3 Prominent Composite Indices -- 3.3.1 World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report and Index -- Intention/Goals/Objectives -- Description -- Users -- Connections to UN Sustainable Development Goals -- 3.3.2 Gallup-Sharecare's Well-Being and Global Well-Being Indices -- Intention/Goals/Objectives -- Description -- Users -- Connections to UN Sustainable Development Goals -- 3.3.3 Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index -- Intention/Goals/Objectives -- Description -- Users -- Connections to UN Sustainable Development Goals -- 3.3.4 World Values Survey -- Intention/Goals/Objectives.
In: Sustainable development goals series
Contributing to the targets of SDG #17, this book interrogates how the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) and other indicators are (or can be) relevant for entering the global discussion on UN SDGs. By highlighting the topic of 'well-being' as a major connecting point between the SDGs, the GEM and other surveys the book has three main purposes: firstly, it shows that GEM data can contribute significantly to the monitoring process of the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals; secondly it analyses the survey's capacity to add value to the global discussion on well-being; thirdly, the book places emphasis on the pressing need for data in order to monitor the achievement of the SDGs. Ultimately, the book provides sound research that can serve as a basis for discussion with the UN on potential partnerships within the framework of SDG 17. The authors encourage GEM and other researchers to ensure that their data serves as a reliable partner to the UN in building a better world, based on well-being for everyone.
Observatory provides an overview and analysis of the current situation in small and medium-sized enterprises in 2001. The situation in Slovenia was compared to that of SMEs in the European Union. In doing this, data gathered in the Observatory of European SMEs has been used, together with its basic methodology, which consists of three areas: standard topics included in the report every year, special in-depth studies chosen each year, and various other topics that may vary through time or represent a supplement to the existing relevant topics. The publication provides a standard review of Slovenian entrepreneurship in 2001 and a detailed description of tax incentives, administrative burdens for small and medium-sized enterprises in the area of recruitment and social responsibility of SMEs. The survey that was carried out was based on 1,153 analyzed responses, which were acquired by sending out 8,176 questionnaires. Study show that Slovenian small and medium-sized enterprises are more often involved in responsible social activities than European one, but also that almost half of small enterprises do not invest in research and development. Our research has also shown high administrative burdens faced by SMEs. ; Ta observatorij podaja pregled in analizo trenutnega stanja v slovenskih malih in srednje velikih podjetij v letu 2001 v primerjavi s položajem MSP v Evropski uniji. Pri tem so bili uporabljeni podatki zbrani v Observatoriju evropskih MSP, skupaj z njeno osnovno metodologijo, ki je sestavljena iz treh področij: standardne teme vključene v poročilo vsako leto, posebne poglobljene študije izbranih področij posameznega leta, in razne druge teme, ki se občasno spreminjajo, ali pomenijo dopolnitev obstoječih pomembnejših tem. Predstavljeni observatorij podaja standardni pregled slovenskega podjetništva v letu 2001 in podroben opis dogajanja na treh področjih: davčne spodbude, administrativna bremena za mala in srednje velika podjetja na področju zaposlovanja ter družbena odgovornost. Izvedena raziskava je temeljila na 1.153 analiziranih odgovorih, ki so bili pridobljeni s pošiljanjem 8.176 vprašalnikov. Študija je med drugim pokazala, da so slovenska mala in srednje velika podjetja pogosteje vključena v družbeno odgovorno dejavnost kot so evropska, kakor tudi, da skoraj polovica malih podjetij ne vlaga v raziskave in razvoj. Pokazala pa je tudi zelo visoka administrativna bremena, s katerimi se soočajo mala in srednje velika podjetja.
The monograph Slovenian Entrepreneurship Observatory 2003 consists of several research issues. In the first part, a short review of the current level of entrepreneurship is given, outlined on the basis of economic and statistical data. Understanding what is happening in Slovenian enterprises is important not only in order to pursue an appropriate economic policy but also in order to find the advantages and disadvantages of Slovenian companies in comparison with enterprises in other European countries. If Slovenia wishes to join the most developed European countries, it will have to speed up its economic growth. In the second part of a monograph, a number of topics, based on a survey of a sample of 672 enterprises are dealt with. We studied the relationship between banks and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), female entrepreneurship, clustering, social responsibility of companies and the development of competences. ; Monografija Slovenski podjetniški observatorij 2003 je sestavljena iz več raziskovalnih področij. V prvem delu je podan pregled trenutne stopnje podjetništva, ki je pripravljen na osnovi ekonomskih in statističnih podatkov. Razumevanje o tem, kaj se dogaja s slovenskimi podjetji, je pomembno ne samo zaradi izvajanja ustrezne nacionalne ekonomske politike, ampak tudi, da bi ugotovili prednosti in slabosti slovenskih podjetij in v primerjavi s podjetjih iz drugih evropskih držav. Če se želi Slovenija pridružiti najbolj razvitim evropskim državam, bo namreč morala pospešiti svojo gospodarsko rast. Drugi del monografije sestavlja več tem, ki temeljijo na primarni raziskavi vzorca 672 podjetij. Tako so vanj vključene naslednje teme: proučevanje odnosa med bankami in malimi in srednje velikimi podjetji (MSP) z vidika financiranja, proučevanje ženskega podjetništva, možnosti grozdenja ter značilnosti okoljske odgovornosti podjetij in razvoja kompetenc.