
7 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12021

Auditory impairment from acoustic seal deterrents predicted for harbour porpoises in a marine protected area

In: Findlay , C , Aleynik , D , Farcas , A , Merchant , N D , Risch , D & Wilson , B 2021 , ' Auditory impairment from acoustic seal deterrents predicted for harbour porpoises in a marine protected area ' , Journal of Applied Ecology .


Open Access#22022

Exposure of individual harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) and waters surrounding protected habitats to acoustic deterrent noise from aquaculture


Open Access#32021

Modelling small scale impacts of Multi-Purpose Platforms::an ecosystem approach

In: Serpetti , N , Benjamins , S , Brain , S , Collu , M , Harvey , B J , Heymans , J , Hughes , A , Risch , D , Rosinski , S & Wilson , B 2021 , ' Modelling small scale impacts of Multi-Purpose Platforms: an ecosystem approach ' , Frontiers in Marine Science , vol. 8 , 694013 .


Open Access#42021

Modeling Small Scale Impacts of Multi-Purpose Platforms: An Ecosystem Approach

In: Serpetti , N , Benjamins , S , Brain , S , Collu , M , Harvey , B , Hughes , A , Risch , D , Heymens , J , Rosinski , S , Waggitt , J & Wilson , B 2021 , ' Modeling Small Scale Impacts of Multi-Purpose Platforms: An Ecosystem Approach ' , Frontiers in Marine Science , vol. 8 , 694013 .


Open Access#52021

Modeling small scale impacts of multi-purpose platforms : an ecosystem approach


Open Access#62022

Recommended metrics for quantifying underwater noise impacts on North Atlantic right whales

In: Marotte , E , Wright , A J , Breeze , H , Wingfield , J , Matthews , L P , Risch , D , Merchant , N D , Barclay , D , Evers , C , Lawson , J , Lesage , V , Moors-murphy , H , Nolet , V & Theriault , J A 2022 , ' Recommended metrics for quantifying underwater noise impacts on North Atlantic right whales ' , Marine Pollution Bulletin , vol. 175 , 113361 .


Open Access#72018

Review of the environmental impacts of salmon farming in Scotland

In: Tett , P , Benjamins , S , Black , K , Coulson , M , Davidson , K , Fernandes , T F , Fox , C , Hart , M , Hicks , N , Hughes , A , Hunter , D C , Nickell , T , Risch , D , Tocher , D , Vare , L , Verspoor , E , Wilding , T , Wilson , B & Wittich , A 2018 , Review of the environmental impacts of salmon farming in Scotland .