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Book(electronic)#120223 versions available

Night on Earth: a history of international humanitarianism in the Near East, 1918-1930

In: Human rights in history



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Book(electronic)#420125 versions available

Against massacre: humanitarian interventions in the Ottoman Empire, 1815-1914 : the emergence of a European concept and international practice

In: Human rights and crimes against humanity



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Against massacre: humanitarian interventions in the Ottoman Empire, 1815-1914 : the emergence of a European concept and international practice

In: Human rights and crimes against humanity

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Article(electronic)#7February 17, 2020

International Relief Operations in Palestine in the Aftermath of the First World War: the Discrepancy between International Humanitarian Organisations' Visions, Ambitions, and Actions

In: Journal of migration history, Volume 6, Issue 1, p. 16-39

ISSN: 2351-9924

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Reflexions liminaires a propos des interventions humanitaires des Puissances europeennes au XIXe siecle

In: Relations internationales: revue trimestrielle d'histoire, Issue 131, p. 9-25

ISSN: 0335-2013

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Article(electronic)#11April 2005

Italiani brava gente? Fascist Italy's Policy Toward the Jews in the Balkans, April 1941-July 1943

In: European history quarterly, Volume 35, Issue 2, p. 213-240

ISSN: 1461-7110

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