9 Ergebnisse
I fantasmi della golden age: paura e incertezza nell'immaginario collettivo dell'Europa occidentale (1945-1975)
In: Collana della Fondazione di studi storici Filippo Turati 39
Le radici dell'incertezza: storia della paura tra Otto e Novecento
In: Società e cultura 49
Welfare state e socialdemocrazia: cultura, programmi e realizzazioni in Europa occidentale dal 1945 ad oggi
In: Società e cultura 21
La protection sociale italienne et le système des partis dans les années 1980. Réformisme ou transformisme ?
In: Revue d'histoire de la protection sociale: RHPS, Band 12, Heft 1, S. 80-102
ISSN: 2491-3049
Les années 80 ont représenté une phase de transition importante pour l'histoire du système de protection sociale en Italie. Au cours de cette décennie, le processus de construction de l'État-providence a donné lieu à quelques réalisations importantes sur l'ensemble du système national de santé. Dans le même temps, en raison du contexte économique national et international et de la situation politico-institutionnelle complexe du pays, l'État-providence italien était au centre d'un débat important sur la nécessité d'une réforme qui concilierait viabilité financière et protection sociale efficiente. L'article retrace la confrontation entre les forces politiques autour de ces thèmes, le chemin difficile des nombreux projets de réforme et les réalisations concrètes mais limitées qui en découlèrent.
La Gerusalemme celeste in terra. Radici ed evoluzione del "welfare socialdemocratico"
In: Sociologia e politiche sociali, Heft 3, S. 121-136
ISSN: 1972-5116
The chapter aims to introduce some considerations with a historical approach related to the evolution of the cultural stances adopted by the leading forces of the worker and socialist movement - particularly those of reformist orientation - towards the policies of social protection. Moreover, it outlines a general scheme of a time period, which allows to view the evolution of social welfare systems into the welfare-state model. The first result of this research program is that the ongoing exchance of views that led to the Welfare State did not follow a straight line. Moreover, even the definition of socialism and social-democracy requires to be dealt with in a more pluralistic view, taking into account the variety and the differences in both doctrines and practices to be found in the European countries, even if inside a common political family. Examining the cultural ideas of the social-democracies which grow towards social protection policies it helps scholars to debunk several generalizations and see gaps and recurring features if a "path dependence" approach is followed. The idea that history of welfare state can be described as a sort of continuous and mechanical process of enlightened conceptions and reform projects which little by little become modern and advanced, is problematic. Since that it appears to be more as the result of a series, sometimes casual, of choices motivated by necessity and contingent situations.
Breve storia dello stato sociale
In: Quality paperbacks 654
Cultural heritage and national identity: scritti e discorsi di Andrea Ragusa, 2015-2018
In: Contemporary 2
In: Saggistica
Scrivere con la sinistra: dalla carta intestata a Internet
In: Immagini e parole 1