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49 Ergebnisse
In: Campus concret
In: Social media + society, Band 1, Heft 1
ISSN: 2056-3051
The struggle we currently perceive in terms of social media privacy may be the result of the incompatible natures of "warm" and "cold" affordances. Whereas social media's warm affordances reflect long-standing privacy routines and expectations, cold affordances seem to challenge and sometimes violate them. Sharing under the realm of warm affordances means sharing according to the routines and habits we know. Sharing under the realm of cold affordances means understanding social media's terms and conditions and how they reflect on our relationships and experiences - similar to assimilating to a new culture that seems opaque and constantly in flux.
In: Publizistik: Vierteljahreshefte für Kommunikationsforschung, Band 53, Heft 2, S. 303-304
ISSN: 1862-2569
In: Communications: the European journal of communication research, Band 33, Heft 1, S. 1-25
ISSN: 1613-4087
In previous research, cultural proximity has been operationalized by 'hard facts' such as geographical distance, the exchange of goods or persons (tourists and immigrants) and the similarity of political systems. This article will try to complement current work in the field by suggesting a new operationalization derived from Hofstede's (1991) cultural dimensions. A survey was conducted in eight countries with a student sample (N = 325) to find out if international audiences which resemble each other in terms of Hofstede's (1991) cultural dimensions have similar attitudes towards U.S. prime-time fictional programming. The results show that Hofstede's four cultural dimensions significantly differentiate between the U.S.A., Asian and European countries in a student population. However, operationalizations based on geographical distance allow a better differentiation between nation-states in terms of how they evaluate U.S. fiction. It will be discussed whether cultural dimensions in general are able to measure cultural proximity.
In: Routledge Handbooks in Communication Studies
In: Routledge Handbooks in Communication Studies
In: SpringerLink
In: Bücher
Über 600.000 Deutsche nahmen am SPIEGEL-Wissenstest "Studenten-Pisa" bei SPIEGEL ONLINE und studiVZ teil, um ihr Allgemeinwissen in den Fachgebieten Politik, Geschichte, Wirtschaft,Naturwissenschaften und Kultur zu testen. Die in der Presse berichteten Ergebnisse sorgten für Überraschung und Bestürzung: Jüngere schnitten deutlich schlechter ab als Ältere, Frauen schlechter als Männer, und insgesamt scheint es eher düster um die Allgemeinbildung der Deutschen zu stehen. Das Buch stellt nun weiterführende Analysen von Autoren aus ganz unterschiedlichen Wissenschaftsdisziplinen vor, die den Datensatz unter verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten analysiert haben: Worauf sind die gefundenen Geschlechtsunterschiede zurückzuführen? Was lässt sich für die Qualität der deutschen Hochschulen schlussfolgern? Wirkt sich regelmäßige Mediennutzung positiv auf die Allgemeinbildung aus?.
In: Reihe Rezeptionsforschung 17
With The Privacy Longitudinal Study, we surveyed and investigated privacy attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors in the German population.
Pls find further information on ongoing projects and publications here: https://osf.io/y35as/
In our longitudinal study a representative panel of participants was surveyed five times over the course of three years between 2014 and 2017. The aim of this survey is to help generate profound knowledge about the German population's attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions surrounding privacy. We are grateful that we were able to follow up on this aim with the support of the German Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF) and with the support of the "Forum Privatheit" (www.forumprivatheit.de) – an interdisciplinary research consortium that has been collaborating since 2012 on questions of informational self-determination and privacy. At the core of the survey, we measured people's behavior in different mediated and non-mediated communication settings. We believe that in Germany and around the globe, the term privacy is now mostly connected to the online world. However, online privacy has to be managed also through offline communication. Moreover, privacy in offline settings is also affected by our online communication. In our survey, we asked respondents to report their perceptions, behaviors, and beliefs regarding typical communication situations that they might encounter in all kinds of social media and – of course – in face-to-face communication.
In: Handbuch Online-Kommunikation, S. 211-233