
7 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12016

Investigation on possible transmission of monkeys' Plasmodium to human in a populations living in the equatorial rainforest of the Democratic republic of Congo ; Possible transmission de plasmodiums simiens dans des populations vivant dans la forêt équatoriale de RDC


Open Access#22016

High Prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum Infection in Asymptomatic Individuals from the Democratic Republic of the Congo ; Forte prévalence de l'infection à Plasmodium falciparum en RDC ; Forte prévalence de l'infection à Plasmodium falciparum chez des sujets asymptomatiques en RDC


Open Access#32015

Investigation on possible transmission of monkeys' Plasmodium to human in a populations living in the equatorial rainforest of the Democratic republic of Congo


Open Access#42021

Assessment of Plasmodium falciparum anti-malarial drug resistance markers in pfk13-propeller, pfcrt and pfmdr1 genes in isolates from treatment failure patients in Democratic Republic of Congo, 2018–2019


Open Access#52021

Assessment of Plasmodium falciparum anti-malarial drug resistance markers in pfk13-propeller, pfcrt and pfmdr1 genes in isolates from treatment failure patients in Democratic Republic of Congo, 2018-2019. ; Évaluation des marqueurs de résistance aux médicaments antipaludiques de Plasmodium falciparu...


Open Access#62021

Assessment of Plasmodium falciparum anti-malarial drug resistance markers in pfk13-propeller, pfcrt and pfmdr1 genes in isolates from treatment failure patients in Democratic Republic of Congo, 2018–2019


Open Access#72020

Comparing the durability of the long-lasting insecticidal nets DawaPlus(®) 2.0 and DuraNet© in northwest Democratic Republic of Congo