
649 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12022

Why Do Communities Recover Differently after Socio-Natural Disasters? Pathways to Comprehensive Success of Recovery Projects Based on Bam's (Iran) Neighborhoods' Perspective


Open Access#22019

Fiscal Incentives and Sustainable Urbanization: Evidence from China



Human rights and the concept of a human community with a shared future

In: Chinese perspectives on human rights and good governance volume 5

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Buch(elektronisch)#520192 Versionen verfügbar

Prolegomena zu einer materiellen Wertethik: Schelers Bestimmung des Apriori in Abgrenzung zu Kant und Husserl

In: Ad Fontes / Studien zur frühen Phänomenologie v.13



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Buch(elektronisch)#620163 Versionen verfügbar

Human Rights and Good Governance

In: Chinese Perspectives on Human Rights and Good Governance



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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#111. Oktober 2023

China's Health and Health Care in the "New Era"

In: Monthly review: an independent socialist magazine, S. 13-28

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#1530. April 2022

Representation and the Internal World: A Perspective from Evolutionary Mind

In: International journal of social science research and review, Band 5, Heft 5, S. 79-90

ISSN: 2700-2497

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