
212556 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12018

LCSH in the Southern Levant


Open Access#22007

Diseases and remedies in modern city: environmental perspectives of Argentinian eugenism between the mundial wars ; Males y remedios de la ciudad moderna: perspectivas ambientales de la eugenesia argentina de entreguerras


Open Access#32018

Tolerance of Enlightenment in the test of the French Revolution ; La tolérance des Lumières à l'épreuve de la Révolution française


Open Access#42021

Delete without a new account? Transitional injustice in economic civil wars ; ¿Borrón sin cuenta nueva? La injusticia transicional en guerras civiles económicas


Open Access#52020

Fascism: historical phenomenon and political concept ; Le fascisme : phénomène historique et concept politique


Open Access#62020

Preliminary Analysis of Earthen Architecture Response to Floods: The Case of Alzira (Spain)


Open Access#72015

Earth Observation for Humanitarian Operations. GI_Forum|GI_Forum 2015 – Geospatial Minds for Society|


Open Access#82015

Arab uprisings: the revolution in its crises ; Soulèvements arabes: la révolution dans ses crises


Open Access#92015

Medicalization As A Way of Life: The Iran-Iraq War and Considerations for Psychiatry and Anthropology


Open Access#102013

A critycal analysis of MMAL Sequencing problems in the literature ; Análisis crítico de los problemas de secuenciación en líneas de montaje con mezcla de modelos en la literatura científica


Open Access#112001

History and problems of the monthly prions in Church and Magnificat ; Histoire et problématique des mensuels "Prions en Eglise" et "Magnificat"


Open Access#122018

Debriefing by Y. Le BOHEC, History of Roman Wars. Mid-20th century J.-C. — 410 after J.-C., Paris: Tallandier, 2017 ; Compte-rendu de Y. Le Bohec, Histoire des guerres romaines. Milieu du VIIIe siècle av. J.-C. – 410 après J.-C., Paris : Tallandier, 2017


Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Open Access#142020

From stone to Fernez: the coexistence and development of fishing techniques for commercial sponges in the Eastern Mediterranean during the interwar period ; De la pierre au Fernez : coexistence et évolution des techniques de pêche des éponges commerciales en Méditerranée orientale durant l'entre-deu...


Open Access#152003

World Wars ; Weltkriege