
5 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12013

中國城市貧窮老人的壓力與抗逆力: 基於北京市的質性研究. ; Stress and resilience of the urban aged poor in China: a qualitative research in Beijing ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection ; Zhongguo cheng shi pin qiong lao ren de ya li yu kang ni li: ji yu Beijing shi de zhi xing yan jiu


Open Access#22020

The 2020 report of The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: responding to converging crises


Open Access#32017

Smallholders and urbanization: Strengthening rural-urban linkages to end hunger and malnutrition [in Chinese]


Open Access#42012

從抗震动员看當代中国政治的变化. ; Anti-earthquake mobilization in four decades: understanding political change in contemporary China ; Understanding political change in contemporary China ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection ; Cong kang zhen dong yuan kan dang dai Zhongguo zheng zhi de bian hua


Open Access#52015

社会资本、主体性对贫困家庭青少年的社会心理发展的影响: 基于中国广东中山的研究 = The impact of social capital and personal agency on psychosocial development among adolescents from poor families : a study in Zhongshan, Guangdong, China. ; Impact of social capital and personal agency on psychosocial development among adolescents from poor...