
3 Ergebnisse


Open Access#11999

從主權角度看鄧時代以後的北京對台政策: 堅持原則與彈性措施. ; Sovereignty perspective on Beijing's Taiwan policy since the Deng period: principle and flexibility ; Cong zhu quan jiao du kan Deng shi dai yi hou de Beijing dui Tai zheng ce: jian chi yuan ze yu tan xing cuo shi


Open Access#22010

The government-religious group relations in Hong Kong: a case study of the education reform. ; 香港政府與宗教團體之間的關係: 以教育改革為個案研究 ; Xianggang zheng fu yu zong jiao tuan ti zhi jian de guan xi: yi jiao yu gai ge wei ge an yan jiu


Open Access#32009

(Re) construction and (re) definition of national identity in the postcolonial era: the changing musical and visual presentation of patriotic indoctrination in Hong Kong media after the handover in 1997. ; Reconstruction and redefinition of national identity in the postcolonial era ; 香港後殖民時代國民身份的建構:...