Open Access BASE2014

Аксіологічний аспект інновацій як передумова зростання професіоналізму майбутнього вчителя ; Axiological Aspect of Innovations as Pre-Conditions of a Future Teacher's Professionalism


У статті проаналізовано методологічні засади аксіологічного аспекту інновації як передумови зростання професіоналізму майбутнього вчителя. Наголошено на використанні вчителем творчого підходу в педагогічній діяльності, а також на тому, що творчість є необхідною складовою праці вчителя, без якої неможливий педагогічний процес. Творчість – необхідна умова становлення самого педагога, його самопізнання, розвитку й розкриття особистості. Акцентовано увагу на аксіологічному підході до професійної підготовки майбутнього вчителя та його готовності до інноваційної педагогічної діяльності, на орієнтацію майбутнього вчителя на професійні й загальнолюдські цінності, які є однією з перших і необхідних умов високого професіоналізму педагога. ; The article deals with methodological principles of an axiological aspect of innovations as pre-conditions of a future teacher's professional growth. It stresses on the usage of creative approach by a teacher in his pedagogical activity, and proves that creativity is a necessary constituent of a teacher's activity that makes pedagogical process possible. Creativity is a necessary condition of teacher's becoming, his self-knowledge, development and uncovering identity, that develops abilities, forms of pedagogical talent. It is marked, that effective development of pedagogical teacher's creativity and self-realization is possible, when school activity and the system of methodological work are based on teacher's personality, his age and experience, level of pedagogical mastery, initiative and capabilities. Permanent professional self-education of future teacher helps to produce active pedagogical position, allows trusting the process of education, forming a confidence in public significance and rightness of profession choice, forming the system of pedagogical principles and innovations for working with children. As pre-condition of future teacher's professionalism that forms development of specialist social, personal and individual competences is considered to be the teacher's civic and psychological competences as constituents of general professional competence. The article shows an axiological approach to future teacher's professional training and his readiness to innovative pedagogical activity. An educational innovation is supposed to be understood as a totally new approach to managing the national education, related to the requirements of economic, social, political and cultural life of people, and reformation of theoretical and methodological principles, the conceptual approaches, the structure, creation of original technologies of education, introduction of scientific achievements and amplification of progressive experience in the practice on this basis. The special significance is acquired by the study of an aspect of axiology of innovations in the field of future teacher professional training because new approaches are formed in educational practice. Selection of principles, means and receptions of educational task realization is also occurred in educational practice. The necessity of future teacher's orientation to professional and common to all mankind values which are the only necessary conditions of high school teacher professionalism is also exposed.

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