
90621 Ergebnisse


Open Access#891612019

The Everyday Life of a "Red School". The Multidimensional Politicisation of Sport in the German Democratic Republic through the Example of the Deutsche Hochschule für Körperkultur in Leipzig (1969-1990) ; Le quotidien d'une "école rouge". La politisation protéiforme du sport en République Démocratiq...


Open Access#891622019

Supporting or thwarting? The influence of EU migration policies on African free movement regimes in West and North-eastern Africa


Open Access#891632019

Supporting or thwarting? The influence of European Union migration policies on African free movement regimes in West and North-Eastern Africa


Open Access#891642019

Questions and answers about surrogate pregnancy: a review of public opinion studies ; Preguntas y respuestas sobre la gestación por sustitución: los estudios de opinión pública a revisión


Open Access#891652019

Ukrayna krizi sonrasında değişen Nato-Rusya stratejileri çerçevesinde Nato-Rusya ilişkileri ; The changing strategies of nato-russia in the framework of Nato-Russia relations after The Ukraine crisis


Open Access#891662019

Evaluation of policy and technical factors for the protection of karst aquifers ; Ovrednotenje političnih in tehničnih dejavnikov za zaščito kraških vodonosnikov


Open Access#891672018

Piccole sovversioni quotidiane. Strategie di controllo del territorio e tattiche di resistenza in un quartiere popolare bolognese durante il fascismo ; Everyday subversion. Strategies of territorial control and tactics of resistance: a working class neighborhood in Bologna (Italy) during Fascism


Open Access#891682018

"Donetsk Foothold" of the Kremlin During the Orange Revolution as a Ground for Approbation of Strategies of the Anti-Ukrainian Discourse ; «Донецький плацдарм» Кремля у добу Помаранчевої революції як полігон апробації стратегій антиукраїнського дискурсу


Open Access#891692018

The Significance of Circular Economy for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: Global Trends, Possibilities and Precautions ; Значення економіки замкнених циклів для пом'якшення та адаптації до змін клімату: глобальні тенденції, можливості та перестороги


Open Access#891702017

Digital at work : breakthrough myths and mechanical recovery mechanics. ; Le numérique au travail : mythes de rupture et mécaniques de récupération


Open Access#891712017

Living welfare as an input and output element of a digital spatial development policy : The Yvelines case ; Le bien-être habitant, élément intrant et extrant d'une politique d'aménagement numérique du territoire : le cas des Yvelines


Open Access#891722017

Digital at work : breakthrough myths and mechanical recovery mechanics. ; Le numérique au travail : mythes de rupture et mécaniques de récupération


Open Access#891732017

Legitimation through self-victimization. The "Uzbek cotton affair" and its repression narrative (1989-1991)


Open Access#891742017

Relevance of the Theory of Chaos and Transdisciplinarity in Strategic Management ; Mirada de la Gestión moderna desde la teoría a del caos y la transdisciplina ; Olhar da gestão moderna desde a teoria do caos e a transdisciplinaridade


Open Access#891752017

Relevance of the Theory of Chaos and Transdisciplinarity in Strategic Management ; Mirada de la Gestión moderna desde la teoría a del caos y la transdisciplina ; Olhar da gestão moderna desde a teoria do caos e a transdisciplinaridade