Open Access BASE2021

The cultural fi eld of anti-alcohol prints "for the people" in Ukrainian at the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries. ; Культурне поле україномовних антиалкогольних видань «для народу» зламу ХІХ – ХХ ст


Introduction. Emancipation processes in Dnieper Ukraine contributed to expansion of the readership and appearance ofthe prints "for the people," created for educational and commercial purposes. The ways of anti-alcohol theme representation inboth groups of publications revealed the multilayered cultural fi eld of the language of communication with the "new readers,"which was formed in the process of their enculturation into the expanse of modern public communication.Purpose. The purpose of the research is to consider the models of representation of anti-alcohol attitudes in Ukrainianpopular editions of educational and commercial character at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. The research methodologyis based on application of the interdisciplinary approach at the intersection of cultural and reading history, bibliography andliterature studies.Results. Ukrainian-language prints on anti-alcohol topics have been identifi ed. Strategies of their development andspecifi city of their ideological and theoretical content were analyzed.Originality. The "cultural fi eld" of anti-alcohol prints "for the people" has been studied as a multilayered synthesisof ideas and perceptions, which the authors tried to adapt in accordance with their own goals and perception of "the newreaders".Conclusion. Ukrainian intellectuals reinterpreted the problem of alcoholism in a modernist and educational paradigm.By popularizing scientifi c achievements, they used rhetorical techniques of anti-alcohol propaganda of the authorities andthe Orthodox Church, Ukrainian religious literature, appealed to the common perceptions of the peasants and to the nationalintellectual traditions. When formed the ideas of the modern cultural world, they tried to infl uence changes in the way of lifeand identifi cation of the peasants, offered examples of orientation in social and political life, contributed to the expansion ofthe Ukrainian cultural space. Compilers of commercial editions in Ukrainian mastered the theme on the border of formulasof popular literature, forklore tradition, and narrow-minded views on the problems of culture. Their writings were a mediumbetween "high" and "popular" culture, another way of public communication. ; Автором проаналізовано моделі репрезентації антиалкогольних настанов в україномовних популярних виданняхпросвітницького і комерційного характеру на зламі ХІХ - ХХ ст. Висвітлено стратегії їх укладання та специфікуідейно-теоретичного вмісту. «Культурне поле» таких видань розглянуте як багатошаровий синтез ідей та уявлень,які укладачі намагались адаптували відповідно до поставлених цілей та пристосувати для сприйняття «новихчитачів».

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