Open Access BASE2013

Передумови і витоки цивілізаційної геополітики ; Предпосылки и истоки цивилизационной геополитики. ; Background and origins of civilization geopolitics


Розглядаються проблеми виникнення цивілізаційної геополітики як науки, її витоки, передумови становлення, актуальність її прикладного характеру для сучасного світоустрою.Описано ідейні течії цивілізаційної геополітики, а також фактори, які висунули її на передній план, особливо після завершення «холодної війни». Особливу увагу приділено концепції С. Хантінгтона, а також історичним умовам зародження цивілізаційної геополітики. ; Рассматриваются проблемы возникновения цивилизационной геополитики как науки, ее истоки, предпосылки становления и актуальность ее прикладного характера для современного мироустройства. Описаны идейные течения цивилизационной геополитики, а также факторы, выдвинувшие ее на передний план, в особенности, после завершения «холодной войны».Особое внимание уделено концепции С. Хантингтона, а также историческим условиям ее происхождения ; Тhe problems of origin of civilization geopolitics as sciences, its sources, becoming pre-conditions and actuality of its applied character for modern world order are examined in the article. The ideological flows of civilization geopolitics, and also factors, pulling out it on a foreground, are described, in particular case after completion of «cold war». The special attention is spared to S. Hantington conception, and also to the historical terms of its origin.In the article talked that a situation, arising up as a result of drastic alternations on a world political arena after disintegration of the socialistic system, was in a great deal instrumental in the crisis of before prevailing theories - by a structure and tekhnokratic, that was instrumental in an address to other theories, in particular by civilization.In the article preconditions of origin of civilization geopolitics are examined as a scientific flow.Exactly geophilosophy became the scientific pre-flow of civilization geopolitics. The looks of Leont'ev, Danilevskiy, Shpengler and Toynbi, are examined in the article, which talked about the origin of civilization approach as appropriate phenomenon in development of modern global world order.Except for personality descriptions of the authors playing a role in becoming of civilization approach mentioned above, in the article examined descriptions of that epoch the representatives of which they were.After World war II Soviet Union and east states (Japan and China) again got leading roles on the arena of worldwide policy, but not within the framework of the western world. New correlation of forces in the international arena pulled out the problem of contacts between civilizations.By actual research material for writing of this work did the publication of S. Hantington «The Clash of civilizations?», in which analyze historical preconditions of becoming of civilization geopolitics and its practical value are for international relations.Exactly after completion of «cold war» changes happened in authentication of people, for them all bole becomes important not class, political, legal, and cultural authentication. In this period civilization geopolitics purchased the special actuality as the applied discipline. The world and global policy became multipolar and polycivilizational.Thus, S. Hantington came to the conclusion, that all human history is history of civilizations which acquire all greater value presently.


Ukrainian, English


Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

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