Open Access BASE2016

Ukrainian-Russian conflict: historical background and geopolitical consequences. ; Украино-российский конфликт: исторические предпосылки и геополитические последствия ; УКРАЇНО-РОСІЙСЬКИЙ КОНФЛІКТ: ІСТОРИЧНІ ПЕРЕДУМОВИ ТА ГЕОПОЛІТИЧНІ НАСЛІДКИ


The annexation of Crimea and occupation of the eastern part of Ukraine provoked the crisis of the bilateral cooperation between key geopolitical players and changed an agenda of the international relations in a mid-term and long-term prospect. The primary objective of the article is the analysis of the Ukrainian-Russian conflict that takes into consideration historical preconditions and possible geopolitical consequences for Ukraine. The interdisciplinary analysis defined the international aspect of the influence on the country of such constituents as the place of location, provision of resources, quality of human potential, level of cultural and mental identity and others like that. The tendencies of forming the modern geopolitical status of Ukraine are distinguished in the international arena by means of methods of the historical analogy, comparison and systemic, the idea of real events leading up to the development of UkrainianRussian conflict is discovered during the last twenty five years, and also prior directions of the activity of Ukraine as the subject of international relations.The buffer role of Ukraine was proved in opposition West-Russia as a fight of civilization character. The imperialistic moods of Russian Federation require expansion of the sphere of influence and control over the former Soviet Union republics. Otherwise, it provides validation of Putin's regime and high rating of support by a comprehensive way of fighting against foreign enemies – Westernization and NATO. Ukrainian territory is crucial in the achievement of intention to establish itself as a new geopolitical player of global scale. However, two revolutions that took place in Ukraine result in aspirations of people to fight for democratic values as a determinant argument of civilization development. The imposed by Russia vassal type of peripheral and economically unable territory was thrown away at the mental and political level by Ukrainian society.It was proved the hypothesis, that Ukraine chose the role of defender of European values as easternmost territory of distribution the interests of the West, by defining the peripheral nature,and managing maximally possible regional support of the western neighborhoods. It allows it to form the recommendation for peaceful negotiations that will assist the solution of UkrainianRussian conflict in a diplomatic way. ; Анализ исторических предпосылок и нормативно-правовых актов по соблюдению международных обязательств, взятых Россией, доказывает отсутствие реальных рычагов влияния на их нарушителя. Статья раскрывает наиболее уязвимые периоды развития Украины, которые сопровождались системными и планируемыми провокационными мерами по дестабилизации страны и принуждение ее выбрать выгодный для ключевых мировых игроков геополитический вектор. ; Аналіз основних історичних передумов та нормативно-правових актів щодо дотримання міжнародних зобов'язань, взятих Росією, доводить відсутність реальних важелів впливу на їх порушника. Стаття розкриває найбільш вразливі періоди розвитку України, які супроводжувалися системними та планованими провокативними заходами щодо дестабілізації країни та примушування її обрати вигідний для ключових світових гравців геополітичний вектор.




Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

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