Open Access BASE2021

Tėvų psichoemocinis perdegimas COVID-19 pandemijos laikotarpiu karantine dalyvaujant vaikų mokymosi procese ; Psycho-emotional burnout of parents participating in children's Learning during the COVID-19 pandemic quarantine


Like burnout due to excessive work stress, parents also experience constant stress when raising their children, which leads to parental burnout. The COVID-19 pandemic that began worldwide in 2020 changed the daily living habits of all mankind. Parental unemployment, financial insecurity, low levels of social support from family and friends, and lack of leisure time during the pandemic significantly increased the risk of parental burnout. The aim of the research: to evaluate the signs of burnout of parents in Plungė district and their connections with well - being, lifestyle and social support. Research methods: In order to assess the signs of burnout of parents in Plungė district and their links with well-being, lifestyle and social support, a quantitative survey was conducted - a questionnaire survey. The survey of respondents was conducted by researchers from the Faculty of Health Sciences of Klaipeda University, in cooperation with researchers from Belgian and Dutch universities. All European Union countries participate in the study. The final work analyzes the results of the survey of respondents living in Plungė district. The research instrument consisted of 5 blocks of questions. The study involved 208 respondents living in Plungė district raising at least one child. Research results and conclusions. The parents of Plungė district studied in the study were characterized by a low level of parental burnout. A higher burnout rate was found in the father / mother role dimension of exhaustion. Exhaustion in this dimension was more common among parents who felt the negative consequences of the pandemic, their income decreased during quarantine, as well as parents whose children needed care in preparing food for them to eat. Nearly a third of the parents surveyed felt slightly unwell about the COVID-19 induced situation. Exhaustion in the father/mother role was associated with expressive emotional suppression. Bored feelings of parenthood had been associated with expressive suppression and malaise / despair for COVID-19. Emotional alienation had links to parental consensus, the contrast of the former self had connections with expressive suppression, cognitive overestimation, malaise / despair due to a situation caused by COVID-19.


Lithuanian, English


Institutional Repository of Klaipeda University

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