Open Access BASE2016

Kas finansuoja politines partijas Lietuvoje: politinio finansavimo kaitos analizė partijų santykių su visuomene ir valstybe kontekste ; Who funds political parties in Lithuania? The analysis of political financing developments in the context of party relationships with the state and society


The article is focused on the development of Lithuanian political parties and political campaign funding in the context of parties' relationship with society and the state. First, it describes the position of parties in the society-state continuum through analysing party organization models (cadres, mass, catch-all and cartel) and party funding sources that developed in-line with these models. Second, the article provides a detailed analysis of Lithuanian political parties and political campaign funding legislation and their gradual development from narrow and loose regulation in early nineties into broad and strict starting 2011. Third, it gives the analysis of major eight Lithuanian political parties' revenue between 2008 and 2014. The article provides the analysis of and insights into development of party funding sources throughout the years and the influence of these changes to parties' relationship with society and the state.

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