Open Access BASE2021

Šalies rizikos veiksnių poveikio valstybės skolos lygiui ES šalyse vertinimas ; Assessment of the Impact of Country Risk Factors on Public Debt Level in EU Countries


The main goal of each country's debt management is to ensure public borrowing at the lowest possible cost and acceptable risk. It is the inefficient management and identification of the prevailing risks during government borrowing that could have a significant impact on the increase in government debt in the future. Thus, the main goal of the study is to examine the country risk factors for the level of public debt in the EU countries and to conduct the study on the basis of empirical data. The work consists of three main parts. The first part of the work analyzes the scientific literature describing the concept of public debt, the types of country risks and their interrelationship. The second part formulates the methodology of empirical research. The third part describes the results of an empirical study already performed and formulate conclusions.


Lithuanian, English


Institutional Repository of Vilnius University

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