Open Access BASE2019



Один із важких наслідків війни на Донбасі – поява стотисячних мас бійців з ПТСР, які після демобілізації і повернення в громадянське суспільство вносять в нього усі особливості мілітаризованих світосприйняття і свідомості, страждають самі і нерідко негативно впливають на взаємовідносини між людьми, подальший розвиток соціуму. Проблема реабілітації учасників АТО (ООС) в Україні за своїми масштабами вийшла на державний рівень. У статті дається аналіз практики культурологічного забезпечення реабілітації учасників бойових дій на різних етапах ліквідації наслідків БПТ. ; The article provides an analysis of the practice of cultural support for the rehabilitation of participants in combat operations at various stages of the elimination of the consequences of CSR (Combat stress reaction). One of the dramatic consequences of the war in the Donbass is the appearance of hundreds of thousands of PTSD fighters who, after demobilization and return to civil society, bring all the peculiarities of militarized world perception and consciousness into it, suffer from themselves and often negatively affect the interrelationship between people and the further development of society. The author believes that the magnitude and urgency of the problem of rehabilitation of ATO (JFO) participants in Ukraine, which in its scale reached the state level, puts forward among the factors that should guarantee its qualified solution, -cultural support for the recovery of victims from CSR.Cultural support of the rehabilitation process in the study is characterized as a complex system of cultural-leisure, informational and advisory and art-therapeutic measures that contribute to the spiritual and voluntary mobilization of victims of the elimination of PTSD, rehabilitation after treatment, successful adaptation to life in new living conditions and self-realization of personality . Based on the experience of the ATO (JFO) and open source information, the author argues that it should be carried out at all stages of the use of the troops for the purpose and continued at medical hospitals and sanatoriums of different levels. The main directions of the work of culturologists during the maintenance of the rehabilitation process are the influence through the system of forms and methods carried out by means of culture, in support of the moral and physical forces of the personnel, the removal of stressful states, spiritual mobilization to overcome the consequences of CSR, the return of victims to the performance of official duties , adaptation to new living conditions in the peaceful society.The study describes the features of the provision of medical care at various stages of the rehabilitation process, reveals the specifics of its cultural support. On the battlefield, where the first medical aid is provided, the creation of a non-regular group of amateur activists-psychologists and culturologists who have a certain level of knowledge and skills in overcoming of combat stress situations, can significantly increase the range of rehabilitation effects already in the early stages of the manifestation of PTSD. In medical units of the first level (medical point of the battalion), where the pre-medical (first medical) medical aid is provided, cultural restraint and individual work with the victims are organized for those with neurotic reactions to stress.The peculiarity of cultural work in medical units of the second level (the medical point of the regiment, the medical brigade company or the military mobile hospital, the in-patient departments of district and city hospitals or hospitals located near the combat zone - where trying to prevent the transition of PTSD to the victims of the chronic stage) is that , that it can be carried out both on the basis of mobile and fixed institutions of culture and rest. Here are organized and held: performances by art workers, cultural and artistic brigades and amateur teams; broadcasting movies and videos; meetings with representatives of creative groups; visiting children; satisfaction of religious needs; Exposition of photo exhibitions; providing artistic literature; culturological health-improving training, etc.In the medical institutions of the third (military mobile hospital, military hospital, central district hospital) and the fourth (military medical clinic, regional clinical hospital, specialized centers and institutes) levels, cultural maintenance of rehabilitation is mainly organized on the basis of stationary institutions of culture and recreation. This period is aimed not only at the development of communicative activity, the formation of "taste" for social contacts, but also on the personal growth of victims of CSR.The author comes to the conclusion that in the Armed Forces of Ukraine there has been some experience in culturological activity in providing rehabilitation of ATO (JFO) participants. However, there are serious shortcomings, such as the lack of qualified art therapists and creativity rehabilitation programs, the lack of a clear system in work at different stages of recovery, a small assortment of forms and methods for the elimination of PTSD in amputees, fighters with neurotrauma and vision loss , which reduces the whole set of forms and methods of cultural influence to the level of amateur and cultural-leisure activities. The analysis allows us to recommend in the implementation of cultural support of the rehabilitation process to make the most of the experience of advanced armies, the capabilities of technical means necessary for the transfer of the Armed Forces to NATO standards. The experience of the war in the East of Ukraine also requires the creation of a sophisticated system of training for effective cultural impact on the achievement of a positive result in the rehabilitation of veterans of combat operations and members of their families.

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