Open Access BASE2019

Fixations on public activity in Ukraine: analysis of indicators of the main socio-demographic groups (2016 and 2018 years) ; Установки на громадську активність в Україні: аналіз показників основних соціально-демографічних груп (2016 та 2018 роки)


The article examines the results of applying Index of attitudes towards civil activity among socio-demographic groups. Corresponding groups were defined on a basis of cross-classification of three variables: gender, age group and region of living. The obtained results allowed to reveal differences in the attitudes towards civil activity in socio-demographic groups, as well as describe the changes that occurred in the atti- tudes from 2016 to 2018. Databases of two nationwide surveys (2016, 2018) were used for empirical analysis. Surveys were conducted using samples that represent the adult population of Ukraine (18 and older) by parameters such as region, type of settlement, gender, and age. To analyze the relationship between demographic affiliation and attitudes towards civil activity, the Kruskal-Wallis test was used. For a posteriori verification (153 comparisons), Wilcoxon's rank-sum test was used. Its results were controlled by Benjamini-Hochberg Procedure. The results of the analysis revealed differences in attitudes towards civil activity in various socio-demographic groups and corresponding changes that occurred in attitudes from 2016 to 2018.The following conclusions were made: 1) Ukrainian society is characterized by heterogeneity in terms of level of attitudes toward civil activity in various socio-demographic groups; such heterogeneity can be logically explained by the socio-political processes that occur in Ukraine; 2) the end of 2018 can be called the period of new political request that population of Ukraine addressed to political elites on the eve of the President election; a significant strengthening in attitudes toward civil activity is associated not only with this request, but also with the expectations that it will be fulfilled; 3) special attention should be paid to changing in attitudes toward civil activity among residents of southeastern Ukraine; this, in particular, testi- fies about positive adaptation processes that occur despite the debilitating military conflict in the south-east of Ukraine. ; У статті досліджено результати застосування Індексу установок на громадську активність серед соціально-демографічних груп. Групи визначені за допомогою крос-класифікацій таких змінних, як стать, вікова група та регіон проживання. Отримані результати дозволили виявити відмінності в установках на громадську активність в соціально-демографічних групах, а також описати зміни, що відбулися в установках з 2016 по 2018 роки. Також у статті запропоновано можливе поясненнявказаних відмінностей та змін.

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