Open Access BASE2014

The current situation of agricultural sector of Ukrainian economy ; Состояние аграрного сектора экономики Украины ; Стан аграрного сектора економіки України


In this article you will find a review of Ukrainian laws concerning reforms in agricultural sector of economy, which influence direct food safeness of the country, and their consequences. The privatization in villages, that destroyed kolkhozes and sovkhozes, and the liberalization of prices on food have led to rapid price increase on consumer market. Lack of required investments and intense shortening in subsidies for food production have a negative impact on quantity and quality of food products. Filling the market with export products doesn't support domestic producers. Deficiency in governmental subsidies for food production and, first of all, for livestock production has caused full degradation of agriculture in modern Ukraine. Negligibly low level of governmental support in agricultural sphere is able to keep afloat only crop farming and partially production of fowl and pork. During implementation of market reforms the main mechanisms of price formation on vital food products were shifted from production sphere to sphere of sales and distribution. According to official data, the size of agriculture of independent Ukraine reduced after 1990 by 3,7 times (in comparable monetary equivalent). Infrastructure of village has been completely destroyed: schools, medical institutions, houses of culture, limited bus connections, and infrequent post system. Then, application of educational and medical reforms also damaged situation in villages. The reason is trivial – lack of money in state budget. In this article I will try to find a way how to deal with current situation in villages and, first of all, how to provide food safeness of the country. ; В статье рассматриваются Законы Украины по реформированию аграрного сектора экономики, от которого напрямую зависит продовольственная безопасность страны, их последствия и пути преодоления негативных явлений этих законов. Особое внимание уделено не только производству основных продуктов питания, но и состоянию занятости сельского населения, инфраструктуры села, инвестиций и дотаций в сельскохозяйственный сектор экономики современной Украины. ; В статті розглядаються Закони України по реформуванню аграрного сектору економіки, від яких напряму залежить продовольча безпека країни, їх наслідки та шляхи подолання негативих явищ цьїх Законів. Особливу увагу призначено не тільке віробницьтву основних продуктів харчування, но і стану зайнятості сільского населення, інфраструктури села, інвестицій та дотацій у сільскогоспорадчій сетор економіки сучасній України.

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