Open Access BASE2021

Chart of accounts of accounting of banks of Ukraine and its improvement in modern conditions of economic development


Relevance of the research topic. Bank accounting plays an important role in modern market conditions, as it is the main source of economic information for internal and external users. Accounts are one of the elements of the accounting method. Accounts are the most important source of the most complete and reliable information in the development and adoption of optimal informed management decisions постаThe chart of accounts of accounting of banks of Ukraine is intended to contribute to the achievement of this goal, but it has drawbacks that negatively affect the quality and efficiency of accounting and control processes, which determines the relevance and practical significance of this article. The purpose of the study is: analysis of legislative changes in the current Chart of Accounts of accounting of Ukrainian banks and the formation of proposals for its improvement. Research methods. The work uses the dialectical method of scientific knowledge, the method of analysis and synthesis, comparison, the method of data generalization. Research results. The article reveals the features of constructing the Chart of Accounts for accounting of Ukrainian banks. The procedure for the formation of the Chart of accounts of accounting of Ukrainian banks in the context of legislative changes has been investigated. The procedure for accounting for operations with letters of credit and operations for transferring bank cash for storage to a collection company and its return on the basis of updated regulatory and legal acts of the National Bank of Ukraine is reflected. Scope of the results. In the field of economic sciences and in the practice of banks. Conclusions. The study of the features of the Chart of Accounts of Ukrainian banks made it possible to determine their list: classification of balance sheet accounts by types of counterparties, by the nature of operations, the degree of liquidity of assets and liabilities; multicurrency; availability of class 8 for management accounting; double entry of transactions on ...

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