Article(electronic)June 23, 2021

William Kurelek's "Multicultu-ralism": author's creative method

In: Kul'tura Ukraïny: zbirnyk naukovych prac', Issue 72, p. 176-182

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The purpose of the study — to analyze the phenomenon of the author's style "multiculturalism" in the painting of the Canadian-Ukrainian artist W. Kurelek, as well as to characterize the unique author's artistic technique.
The methodology. Symbolic-metaphysical and philosophical aspects of the artist's work are studied on the basis of art analysis of individual paintings. The method of formal and stylistic analysis helped to identify the appearance of individual works, characterized the artistic processes that took place in the Canadian-Ukrainian environment, which had a significant impact on the work of W. Kurelek. This method effectively helped in the stylistic characterization of the canvas, in particular in identifying the formal organization of the work: space, time, color, light, rhythm, composition, perspective.
The scientific topicality. The role of W. Kurelek in the formation of the multicultural process in Canada is proved, in particular the importance of his art — chronicles of the formation and development of Canadian emigrants (Frenchmen, Irishmen, Ukrainians, Jews, Poles), as well as the first comprehensive study of the author's creative method "multiculturalism".
The practical significance. Theoretical material can be used in scientific art and cultural studies, as well as for teaching courses in: history of Ukrainian culture in the diaspora, art of the Ukrainian diaspora, the development of Ukrainian art in Canada, in the preparation of textbooks and manuals.
The conclusions. The author's creative method "multiculturalism" of the Canadian artist, the grandson of the first Ukrainian emigrants W. Ku-relek has been studied. The uniqueness of this creative method lies in the system of abilities of the artist. First of all, it is a comparative approach to the selection of ideas and thematic outlines of works, which was based on a long analysis of the historical context, socio-cultural environment and futuristic predictions, which the artist observed and tried not just narratively capture in his work.
From childhood, from his first emigrant grandparents, and later from his own experience of "dual" identity, it was very important for the artist to record in painting the presence and contribution of each emigrant group that was a member of multicultural Canadian society. In order to properly crystallize the author's style, W. Kurelek traveled to all twelve provinces of Canada, capturing the geopolitical, climatic, natural and social characteristics of each province. He studied the histories of the aboriginal tribes, the arrival of the first emigrants, and the stages of the "multiplication" and integration of the various waves of emigrants on Canadian land. The uniqueness of this style was that the artist did not generalize the standard image of "Frenchman", "Irishman", "Pole", but went by inductive method, studying the history of a person, his life, as well as the history of a country, its art , traditions, music, literature, customs, even cooking.
The unique artistic author's "mixed" technique obtained by long-term experiments and the influence of Nikolaides' artistic method on the compositional structure of W. Kurelek's work are also analyzed.


Kharkiv State Academy of Culture

ISSN: 2522-1140



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