
The Great Power Competition Volume 2: Contagion Effect: Strategic Competition in the COVID-19 Era



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Intro -- Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- Editors and Contributors -- From the Great Power Competition to Great Power Cooperation: Strategic Lessons from a Pandemic -- Introduction -- How the Pandemic Has Altered the Geo-Strategic Landscape in CASA - Revealed Interconnectedness and Interdependence -- Increased Vulnerability to Misinformation in the COVID-19 Era -- Recommendations for U.S. Strategic Shifts in a Post-Pandemic CASA Region -- New Silk Road Initiative Investment in Afghanistan -- Cooperation with Other Regional Powers -- Cooperation Over Competition with China in Afghanistan -- China-U.S. Partnerships -- Conclusion -- References -- Iran and the United States: The Way Forward -- Introduction -- The Military Dimension -- US-Iran Relations-the Way Forward -- References -- Who Are the Great Powers in 2021? -- Introduction -- The United States -- China and Russia -- ...and India? -- Regional Power Competition -- Iran -- Pakistan -- Saudi Arabia -- Qatar -- United Arab Emirates (UAE) -- Israel -- Jordan -- Exploiting Regional Friction Points and Proxy Fights -- Yemen -- Other Players in the Region -- Oman -- Bahrain -- Kuwait -- The Global Rebalance -- References -- Exploiting Seams and Gaps in the Central Asia and South Asia Region: A Framework for Analysis -- Introduction -- Seven Days in March 2021: The Suez Canal Crisis, the Greater Indian Ocean Region, and CASA -- The Seams and Gaps Analytical Framework -- Geographic and Cognitive Seams: Intra-Ocean Trade Routes and the CASA Region -- Diplomatic, Economic, Institutional, and Cognitive: China's Belt and Road Initiative -- Conclusions: Calibration and Consistency to Close Seams and Gaps -- References -- Building Trust and Advancing U.S. Geoeconomic Strength Through Public-Private Partnership Stakeholder Capitalism -- Introduction.

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The great power competition volume 2: contagion effect: strategic competition in the COVID-19 era

In: Springer eBook collection



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Springer International Publishing AG



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