
Etnicidade e violencia etnica. As differentes abordagens teoricas e a sua utilidade na gestao de conflitos

In: Relações internacionais: R:I, Issue 11, p. 129-150

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Although almost two decades passed on the end of the Cold War & the preponderance of so called civil wars in lieu of wars between states, the problem one ethnicity & ethnic violence continues to receive a special attention on the part of a great number of researchers from most diverse domains of the social sciences. The present article tries to make a critical review of the academic debates on the subject. For brevity's sake, we refer only to the most visible & widespread perspectives, here presented through three great schools of thought -- Primordialism, Instrumentalism & Constructivism. Throughout we seek to assess their respective strengths & weaknesses in the construction of strategies for conflict management. Adapted from the source document.




Instituto Portugues de Relacoes Internacionais, Lisbon Portugal

ISSN: 1645-9199

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