
Marxism and Psychoanalysis

In: Praxis international: a philosophical journal, Volume 4, Issue 4, p. 446-461

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A review essay on Richard Lichtman's The Production of Desire: The Integration of Psychoanalysis into Marxist Theory (New York, 1982 [see listing in IRPS No. 30]). It is argued that the widespread belief that Karl Marx's theory of history must be supplemented by the insights of Sigmund Freud rests on a number of dubious assumptions. (1) The assumption that Marx does not have a social psychology is based on a reading that ascribes to him a vulgar form of economic determinism; rather, Marx made considerable contributions to social psychology. (2) It is often assumed by the theorists of the Second & Third International that Central Europe was ripe for socialist revolution in 1917; however, there is little evidence in the writings of Marx & Friedrich Engels that this belief is associated with any scientific criteria for the ripeness of capitalism. If economic determinism is rejected, & the question of when the world is ripe for revolution left unanswered, then Marx can be seen as outlining some important elements of social psychology. Freud's thought then does not serve as an addition to Marx, but as a fuller development of Marx's ideas. Modified AA

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