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The European Union, the USA and International Standard Setting by Regulatory Fora in Finance

In: New political economy, Volume 19, Issue 3, p. 427-444

ISSN: 1469-9923

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Article(electronic)#18270724. September 2015

Making History through Policy: A Field Report on the International Domestic Workers Movement

In: International labor and working class history: ILWCH, Volume 88, p. 156-165

ISSN: 1471-6445

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Article(electronic)#18270812. Juni 2024

Foresight and futures thinking for international development co‐operation: Promises and pitfalls

In: Development policy review, Volume 42, Issue S1

ISSN: 1467-7679

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Article(electronic)#18270926. Dezember 2017

Personality and International Politics: Insights from Existing Research and Directions for the Future

In: European review of international studies: eris, Volume 4, Issue 2-3, p. 20-38

ISSN: 2196-7415

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World Affairs Online

Open Access#1827142003

Die Mittel der internationalen Kommunikation zwischen Ägypten und Staaten Vorderasiens in der späten Bronzezeit ; The means of the international communication between Egypt and the States of the ancient Near East in the late Bronze Age




International income inequality: measuring PPP bias by estimating Engel curves for food

In: CESifo working paper series 3247

In: Social protection

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