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Open Access#2356812018

Les ONG internationales dans le monde humanitaire de demain : quelles stratégies d'adaptation face aux évolutions du système humanitaire international ?


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Article(electronic)#2356841. März 1988

Böhm‐Bawerk on Time Preference: Economic Action Based on Future Needs

In: Journal of economic studies, Volume 15, Issue 3/4, p. 79-91

ISSN: 1758-7387

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Article(electronic)#2356856. März 2024

Feeling at Home? A Dynamic Analysis of the Impact of Discrimination, Refugee-Specific, and Participation Characteristics on Recently Arrived Refugees' Belonging

In: Journal of international migration and integration, Volume 25, Issue 3, p. 1547-1569

ISSN: 1874-6365

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World Affairs Online

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Sind "G-Formate" noch sinnvoll in den internationalen Beziehungen? Ein Blick auf G7 und G20

In: Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik: GWP : Sozialwissenschaften für politische Bildung, Volume 70, Issue 4, p. 500-504

ISSN: 2196-1654

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Article(electronic)#235691Dezember 1978

How is International Law Made? – The Stages of Growth of International Law and the Use of its Customary Rules

In: Netherlands yearbook of international law: NYIL, Volume 9, p. 3-26

ISSN: 1574-0951

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Open Access#2356932017

Theoretical basis for composition of economic strategy for industry development


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