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Article(electronic)#2669261. Oktober 2019

The Causal Effect of Maternal Education on Child Mortality: Evidence From a Quasi-Experiment in Malawi and Uganda

In: Demography, Volume 56, Issue 5, p. 1765-1790

ISSN: 1533-7790

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Article(electronic)#26692717. September 2019

Introduction: Conceptualizations of the Holocaust in Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, and Ukraine: Historical Research, Public Debates, and Methodological Disputes

In: East European politics and societies: EEPS, Volume 34, Issue 1, p. 129-142

ISSN: 1533-8371

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Article(electronic)#2669281. September 2019

Regional maritime security in the eastern Mediterranean: expectations and reality

In: International affairs, Volume 95, Issue 5, p. 979-997

ISSN: 1468-2346

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Article(electronic)#26692927. August 2019

Traversing the soft/hard power binary: the case of the Sino-Japanese territorial dispute

In: Review of international studies: RIS, Volume 46, Issue 1, p. 37-55

ISSN: 1469-9044

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Article(electronic)#26693026. Juli 2019

Moving with Touch: Entanglements of a Child, Valentine's Day Cards, and Research–Activism against Sexual Harassment in Pre-Teen Peer Cultures

In: Social Sciences: open access journal, Volume 8, Issue 8, p. 226

ISSN: 2076-0760

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Article(electronic)#26693124. Juli 2019

Researching a sensitive topic in an unstable environment: Fieldwork dilemmas in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan

In: Qualitative research journal, Volume 19, Issue 3, p. 248-258

ISSN: 1448-0980

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Article(electronic)#26693223. Juni 2019

Threat Construction and Military Intervention in Internal Security: The Political Use of Terrorism and Drug Trafficking in Contemporary Argentina

In: Latin American perspectives, Volume 46, Issue 6, p. 10-24

ISSN: 1552-678X

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Article(electronic)#2669332. Juni 2019

Health Concerns and Access to Services: Female Sex Workers' Experiences in Mumbai, India

In: World medical & health policy, Volume 11, Issue 2, p. 148-162

ISSN: 1948-4682

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Article(electronic)#2669341. Juni 2019

Why Poor Families Move (And Where They Go): Reactive Mobility and Residential Decisions

In: City & community: C & C, Volume 18, Issue 2, p. 556-593

ISSN: 1540-6040

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Article(electronic)#26693524. April 2019

Victims, Criminal Justice and State Compensation

In: Societies: open access journal, Volume 9, Issue 2, p. 29

ISSN: 2075-4698

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Article(electronic)#26693623. April 2019

Exploring the Effects of Early Life Sexual Abuse in Later Life among Catholic Nuns

In: Critical social work: an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to social justice, Volume 10, Issue 1

ISSN: 1543-9372

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Article(electronic)#26693722. April 2019

'Home Means Everything to Me …': A Study of Young Syrian Refugees' Narratives Constructing Home in Greece

In: Journal of refugee studies, Volume 34, Issue 1, p. 535-554

ISSN: 1471-6925

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Article(electronic)#2669382. April 2019

Framing 'Friend': Media Framing of 'Man's Best Friend' and the Pattern of Police Shootings of Dogs

In: Social Sciences: open access journal, Volume 8, Issue 4, p. 107

ISSN: 2076-0760

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Article(electronic)#26693911. Februar 2019

Aid, Intervention, and Terror: The Impact of Foreign Aid and Foreign Military Intervention on Terror Events and Severity*

In: Social science quarterly, Volume 100, Issue 3, p. 951-964

ISSN: 1540-6237

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Article(electronic)#2669404. Januar 2019

Crossing Bodily, Social, and Intimate Boundaries: How Class, Ethnic, and Gender Differences Are Reproduced in Medical Training in Mexico

In: American anthropologist: AA, Volume 121, Issue 1, p. 113-125

ISSN: 1548-1433

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