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Blog Entry#27076March 19, 2024

Tom Friedman's strange case for a US military presence in Syria

Blog: Responsible Statecraft

Open Access#270772021

Essays on fiscal policy in the Eurozone


Open Access#270782021

Why has phonodidactics become "the neglected orphan" of ESL / EFL pedagogy? Explaining methodology- and ELF-related motives behind a reluctance towards pronunciation teaching


Open Access#270792021

Internacionalizacija visokega šolstva v Sloveniji in na Nizozemskem po implementaciji bolonjskega procesa ; Internationalisation of Higher Education in Slovenia and the Netherlands After the Implementation of the Bologna Process


Open Access#270802020

Opportunities and obstacles of ecological intensification: Biological pest control in arable cropping systems ; Chancen und Hürden Ökologischer Intensivierung: Biologische Schädlingsbekämpfung im Ackerbau


Open Access#270812020

The Role of Institutions in the Technology Transfer Process with Particular Focus on Technology Parks in Poland


Blog Entry#27082July 27, 2019

Blanchard and Farmer on the Phillips Curve

Blog: MacroMania

Open Access#270832019

Early Specialization ; 조기전문화 이론을 중심으로 바라본 한국 육상 장기적 발전의 제한요인 ; A Limiting Factor for Long Term Development of Korean Athletics


Open Access#270842017

Теоретичні аспекти дослідження соціального самопочуття студентської молоді ; Theoretical aspects of studying of student youth social well-being ; Теоретические аспекты исследования социального самочувствия студенческой молодежи


Open Access#270852015

High efficiency ground source heat pump systems for sustainable building space conditioning


Open Access#270862010

Governing multi-actor decision processes in Dutch industrial area redevelopment

In: Blokhuis , E G J 2010 , ' Governing multi-actor decision processes in Dutch industrial area redevelopment ' , Doctor of Philosophy , Built Environment , Eindhoven .


Open Access#270872007

우리나라에서 질병과 음주로 인한 사회경제적 비용 추계 ; Socioeconomic costs of disease and alcohol drinking in Korea


Open Access#270882002

Sociedad y reforma educativa: un análisis de la prensa en Cataluña


Open Access#270892019

Neoprotectionism in the international economic policy. ; Неопротекціонізм в міжнародній економічній політиці


Open Access#270902015

The Role of Energy Efficiency in the Private Housing Sector - The Case of Santiago de Chile