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Sports role models in elementary school students

In: Zbornik Matice Srpske za društvene nauke: Proceedings for social sciences, Issue 150, p. 101-111

ISSN: 2406-0836

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Blog Entry#224. September 2023

Olaf Scholz, the improbable role model

Blog: Social Europe

Open Access#232014

Relationship between Athletes and Role Models


Article(electronic)#241. März 2008

Gender Role Models . . . who needs 'em?!

In: Qualitative social work: research and practice, Volume 7, Issue 1, p. 43-59

ISSN: 1741-3117

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Open Access#252015

Semantic validation of physical models using role models


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Article(electronic)#2727. Februar 2024

Social entrepreneurial role models' influence on social entrepreneurial self-efficacy, social entrepreneurial intent, and social entrepreneurial action in South Africa: the moderating role of moral obligation

In: Social enterprise journal, Volume 20, Issue 3, p. 278-317

ISSN: 1750-8533

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Antigay bias in role-model occupations

In: Pennsylvania studies in human rights

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