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Article(electronic)#16March 10, 2016

Quantitative Risk Analysis on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Through a Bi‐Directional Road Tunnel

In: Risk analysis: an international journal, Volume 37, Issue 1, p. 116-129

ISSN: 1539-6924

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Open Access#202019

Pavojingųjų krovinių vežimo Europos Sąjungos šalyse tyrimas ; Research on the transport of dangerous goods in the European Union countries


Open Access#212019

Pavojingųjų krovinių vežimo Europos Sąjungos šalyse tyrimas ; Research on the transport of dangerous goods in the European Union countries



Defining risks on road sections during the transport of dangerous goods in the Serbian army using the linear mathematical programming model

In: Vojnotehnički glasnik: naučni časopis Ministerstva Odbrane Republike Srbije = Military technical courier : scientific periodical of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia = Voenno-techničeskij vestnik : naučnyj žurnal Ministerstva Oborony Respubliki Serbija, Volume 70, Issue 4, p. 939-971

ISSN: 2217-4753

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Article(electronic)#23December 13, 2020

Quantitative Risk Assessment on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Vehicles Through Unidirectional Road Tunnels: An Evaluation of the Risk of Transporting Hydrogen

In: Risk analysis: an international journal, Volume 41, Issue 9, p. 1522-1539

ISSN: 1539-6924

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Open Access#262016

Transportation of dangerous goods in green transport corridors - conclusions from Baltic Sea region


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Open Access#282019

Capabilities Development of Security Transportation and Storage of Dangerous Goods in Thailand


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