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Open Access#487662020

Environmentalism as a Political Philosophy for the Anthropocene


Open Access#487672019

Başarısız devlet olgusunun terörizmle ilişkisi: Somali ve el Şebab örneği ; Failed state phenomenon and terrorism: The case of Somalia and al Shabaab


Open Access#487682019

Barack Obama döneminde Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nin Irak politikası ; Iraq policy of USA during Barack Obama period


Open Access#487692019

The political regime in Slovakia in 1994-1998: the struggle of authoritarian and democratic development trends. ; Політичний режим в Словаччині в 1994-1998 рр.: боротьба авторитарних і демократичних тенденцій розвитку


Open Access#487702019

Biodiversity Data Sharing by Public Funded Institutions: Perspectives from India


Open Access#487712019

Kolombiya-Farc barış süreci: Bir çatışma analizi ; The Colombian peace process with the Farc: A conflict analyses


Open Access#487722019

The political regime in Slovakia in 1994-1998: the struggle of authoritarian and democratic development trends. ; Політичний режим в Словаччині в 1994-1998 рр.: боротьба авторитарних і демократичних тенденцій розвитку


Open Access#487732019

«If We Don't Collect at Least 10,000 Signatures, Then Our Whole Venture against the Muscovite Will Be for Nothing…» (Participation of Ukrainian Captives of Rastatt Camp in the All-Russian Revolutionary Movement, 1917) ; «Коли не зберемо що найменше 10000 підписів, то весь наш розмах проти москаля пі...


Open Access#487742018

Cyberattacks as "Armed attacks" on the objects of critical infrastructure in light article 5 of NATO treaty


Open Access#487752018

Cyberattacks as "Armed attacks" on the objects of critical infrastructure in light article 5 of NATO treaty


Open Access#487762018

Cyberattacks as "Armed Attacks" on the Objects of Critical Infrastructure in Light Article 5 of Nato Treaty


Open Access#487772018

Juvenile Law and the Age of Criminal Adulthood in Japan


Open Access#487782018

Byzantine Legislation on the Possibility for a Slave to Become a Monk ; Византийское законодательство о возможности раба стать монахом


Open Access#487792017

Administrative aspects of alternative consumer dispute resolution in the European Union (EU), Slovenia and Croatia


Open Access#487802017

Constitución de ciudadanía y configuración de subjetividad en la infancia invisibilizada: Un estudio de la niñez en prisión - Colombia