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Article(electronic)#53281August 20, 2014

Deliberation and disagreement: Problem solving, prediction, and positive dissensus

In: Politics, philosophy & economics: ppe, Volume 14, Issue 3, p. 229-254

ISSN: 1741-3060

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Article(electronic)#53282May 1, 2014

Niceness, Building, and Opening the Genealogy of the Digital Humanities: Beyond the Social Contract of Humanities Computing

In: Differences: a journal of feminist cultural studies, Volume 25, Issue 1, p. 93-106

ISSN: 1527-1986

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Open Access#532832014

Variabilität in der Toponymie: Almaty vs. Alma-Ata


Open Access#532842014

Is South Africa Experiencing some Threat to Judicial Independence or Necessary Teething Pains?


Open Access#532852014

Breaking The Spell of Tax Budget Magic




T.I.D.M., Affaire du « Virginia G » (Panama/Guinée-Bissau) arrêt du 14 avril 2014

In: Annuaire français de droit international, Volume 60, Issue 1, p. 499-518

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Open Access#532872014

Appealing to the masses understanding ethnic politics and elections in Indonesia (Doctoral dissertation)

In: Research Collection School of Social Sciences


Open Access#532882014

A Finer point with Marshall Hill: Significant progress in Reciprocity for Distance Education Regulation


Open Access#532892013

The 'Deparliamentarisation' of Legislation: Framework Laws and the Primacy of the Legislature


Open Access#532902013

Unilateral trade sanctions as a means to combat human rights abuses: legal and factual appraisal


Open Access#532912013

The 'Deparliamentarisation' of Legislation: Framework Laws and the Primacy of the Legislature


Open Access#532922013

A Plurilateral Agenda for Services? Assessing the case for a Trade in Services Agreement (TISA)



Legislatures, Leaders, and Leviathans: How Constitutional Institutions Affect the Size of Government Spending

In: Social science quarterly, Volume 94, Issue 4, p. 1102-1123

ISSN: 1540-6237

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The Unraveling of Support for Authoritarianism: The Dynamic Relationship of Media, Elites, and Public Opinion in Brazil, 1972-82

In: The international journal of press, politics, Volume 18, Issue 1, p. 85-107

ISSN: 1940-1620

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Informal institutions, forms of state and democracy: the Turkish deep state

In: Democratization, Volume 20, Issue 2, p. 310-334

ISSN: 1743-890X

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