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Article(electronic)#6721June 1, 2018

LGBTI Rights and the 2017 German National Election

In: German politics and society, Volume 36, Issue 2, p. 27-54

ISSN: 1558-5441

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Open Access#67222018

Asian, American, and Queer


Article(electronic)#6723October 2017

From Awareness to Action: Teacher Attitude and Implementation of LGBT-Inclusive Curriculum in the English Language Arts Classroom

In: Sage open, Volume 7, Issue 4, p. 215824401773994

ISSN: 2158-2440

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Article(electronic)#6724July 20, 2017

Watching Moonlight in the Twilight of Obama

In: Humanity & society, Volume 41, Issue 3, p. 287-298

ISSN: 2372-9708

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Article(electronic)#6725February 13, 2017

Worker outcomes of LGBT-supportive policies: a cross-level model

In: Equality, diversity and inclusion: an international journal, Volume 36, Issue 1, p. 17-32

ISSN: 2040-7157

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Open Access#67262017

The Hirschfeld Archives: violence, death, and modern queer culture


Open Access#67272017

Sanksi Pidana Pelaku LGBT dalam Perspektif Fiqh Jinayah


Article(electronic)#6728July 30, 2016

Cycles of Sameness and Difference in LGBT Social Movements

In: Annual review of sociology, Volume 42, Issue 1, p. 165-183

ISSN: 1545-2115

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Article(electronic)#6729April 1, 2016

The Difference Safe Spaces Make: The Obstacles and Rewards of Fostering Support for the LGBT Community at HBCUs

In: Sage open, Volume 6, Issue 2

ISSN: 2158-2440

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Article(electronic)#6730November 5, 2015

New pathways to analysis through thick description: Historical trauma and emerging qualitative research

In: Qualitative social work: research and practice, Volume 14, Issue 6, p. 753-757

ISSN: 1741-3117

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Article(electronic)#6731June 5, 2015

Social Support Networks for LGBT Young Adults: Low Cost Strategies for Positive Adjustment

In: Family relations, Volume 64, Issue 3, p. 420-430

ISSN: 1741-3729

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Article(electronic)#6732August 8, 2014

"God loves you and it gets better": Ideology, deixis and agency in an anti-homophobic bullying viral campaign

In: Journal of language and sexuality, Volume 3, Issue 2, p. 219-244

ISSN: 2211-3789

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Article(electronic)#6733April 17, 2014

It Takes a Family: An Examination of Outness Among Black LGBT People in the United States

In: Journal of family issues, Volume 37, Issue 6, p. 765-788

ISSN: 1552-5481

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Open Access#67342014

The New Black



Open Access#67352014

Employment Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in South Carolina