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World Affairs Online

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Open Access#662015

The role of the Angolan Armed Forces in the African Regional Security Architecture



The Role of Society in the Control of Armed Forces: Implications for Democracy

In: Sicherheit und Frieden: S + F = Security and peace, Volume 33, Issue 1, p. 19-25

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The Transformation of Switzerland's Militia Armed Forces and the Role of the Citizen in Uniform

In: Armed forces & society, Volume 37, Issue 2, p. 239-260

ISSN: 1556-0848

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Open Access#712015

Globalizacion, seguridad y crisis. El papel de las fuerzas armadas en el siglo XXI ; Globalization, security and crises. The role of the armed forces in the 21st century ; Globalização, segurança e crise. O papel das forças armadas no século XXI


Article(electronic)#72Mai 1957

The Armed Forces

In: The annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Volume 313, Issue 1, p. 99-104

ISSN: 1552-3349

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World Affairs Online

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World Affairs Online

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