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Article(electronic)#142366December 2, 2021

Barriers and potential solutions for MSMEs in developing economies: Evidence from India

In: Problems & perspectives in management, Volume 19, Issue 4, p. 325-337

ISSN: 1810-5467

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Article(electronic)#142367November 23, 2021

International economic and social determinants of the state economic security: A causal analysis

In: Problems & perspectives in management, Volume 19, Issue 4, p. 301-310

ISSN: 1810-5467

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Article(electronic)#142368November 19, 2021

Pull environment of migration in the EU countries: Migration vector from Ukraine

In: Problems & perspectives in management, Volume 19, Issue 4, p. 283-300

ISSN: 1810-5467

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Article(electronic)#142369November 16, 2021

Competitiveness or complementarity: Analysis of agricultural trade between China and Brazil

In: Problems & perspectives in management, Volume 19, Issue 4, p. 258-269

ISSN: 1810-5467

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Article(electronic)#142370November 11, 2021

Factors motivating governmental employees in the United Arab Emirates

In: Problems & perspectives in management, Volume 19, Issue 4, p. 248-257

ISSN: 1810-5467

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Article(electronic)#142371November 10, 2021

Measuring the antecedents of turnover intentions: Perspectives of private healthcare employees in a less-developed economy

In: Problems & perspectives in management, Volume 19, Issue 4, p. 232-247

ISSN: 1810-5467

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Article(electronic)#142372November 10, 2021

The Impact of Unionization on Employers

In: Management report for nonunion organizations, Volume 44, Issue 12, p. 4-5

ISSN: 1530-8286

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Article(electronic)#142373November 10, 2021

Scabby the Rat Lives Another Day

In: Management report for nonunion organizations, Volume 44, Issue 12, p. 6-6

ISSN: 1530-8286

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Article(electronic)#142374November 10, 2021

Deere Obtains Injunction Against Strikers

In: Management report for nonunion organizations, Volume 44, Issue 12, p. 2-8

ISSN: 1530-8286

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Article(electronic)#142375November 10, 2021

Popping the Champagne

In: Management report for nonunion organizations, Volume 44, Issue 12, p. 3-4

ISSN: 1530-8286

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Article(electronic)#142376November 10, 2021

Kellogg Pushes Back on Union Misinformation

In: Management report for nonunion organizations, Volume 44, Issue 12, p. 5-5

ISSN: 1530-8286

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Article(electronic)#142379November 10, 2021

Teamsters Official Defies Sanctions

In: Management report for nonunion organizations, Volume 44, Issue 12, p. 1-2

ISSN: 1530-8286

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Article(electronic)#142380November 10, 2021

Sample Letter to Employees About Their Benefits

In: Management report for nonunion organizations, Volume 44, Issue 12, p. 6-7

ISSN: 1530-8286

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