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Open Access#11998

The emerging structure of global interaction: an integration of the network and world system perspective


Open Access#21999

「一國兩制」: 香港與中國大陸能否就移交罪犯問題達成協議? ; One country and two systems: will Hong Kong and the mainland reach an agreement on rendition?


Open Access#31998

權力均衡: 釣魚台事件 : 從釣魚台事件看中、美、日、台的關係. ; 釣魚台事件 ; Quan li jun heng: Diaoyutai shi jian : cong Diaoyutai shi jian kan Zhong, Mei, Ri, Tai de guan xi. ; Diaoyutai shi jian


Open Access#41998

The politics of APEC forum, 1989-1995: the case of a "weak" regime


Open Access#51998

The role of government in the restructuring of the Hong Kong economy, 1945-1970


Open Access#62000

Women and poverty in Hong Kong: power in the economy, the state and discourse


Open Access#71999

Intermediary arrangement between joint venture partners: study of the role of Hong Kong partners in sino-Japanese joint ventures