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Open Access#32015

豈樂殺人,不得不爾: 北朝戰爭與戰爭書寫研究 = Have no choice but to kill : warfare and the writing of warfare in the Northern Dynasties, medieval China. ; Have no choice but to kill: warfare and the writing of warfare in the Northern Dynasties, medieval China ; 豈樂殺人不得不爾 ; 北朝戰爭與戰爭書寫研究 ; Qi le sha ren, bu de bu er: Bei ch...


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Open Access#52001

北齊的政治衝突: 中國中古皇權個案硏究. ; Political conflicts of the Northern Ch'i dynasty: a case-study on medieval Chinese kingship ; Bei Qi de zheng zhi chong tu: Zhongguo zhong gu huang quan ge an yan jiu


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Open Access#122015

A few visions of Europe. A rough sketch of the current literature ; Kilka wizji Europy. Szkic na marginesie aktualnych lektur


Open Access#132015

Ruling or Ruled: the Future of Poland in a New Type of European Empire


Open Access#142017

Expressions of relations between the society/nation and the state. A retrospective approach in the Polish context ; Symptomy relacji między społeczeństwem/narodem a państwem. Próba spojrzenia retrospektywnego w warunkach polskich


Open Access#152017

Symptomy relacji między społeczeństwem/narodem a państwem. Próba spojrzenia retrospektywnego w warunkach polskich ; Expressions of relations between the society/nation and the state. A retrospective approach in the Polish context